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Friday, September 2, 2022

Starting this week!


Welcome to the First Week of September Newsletter

Important announcement
If you have a session happening on September 6,7,8, it has been moved due to construction from Father Robinson School to Holy Family School.
School Team Tryouts
Drop us a note if your daughter or son made the school team. Let us know which team so I can come to watch when I get a chance.
My Child Made the Cut Email

Education and Volleyball

We now know Volleyball is importanter than school. Here is what is happening and starting at the academy this week. All the suggestions of who can attend a session at the academy are just guidelines. If you feel your athlete will benefit by attending a session, register them for it. The path to getting better at Volleyball is different for every athlete. The academy is trying to offer various activities that will allow each athlete to grow. 

NexGen Hitter Development
Coach - Leanne McGettigan

The pilot project will start training to create the next generation of Hitters in Saskatchewan. We will be seeking a set of 16 athletes who would like to train to be the next group of hitters. The athletes must be U14 and U15 age club groups or grades 6-9 (This is just a guideline. They could be older or younger. ) We are looking for athletes with no more than a single season or no training as club players. The athletes must understand the commitment and desire to become the NexGen Hitters. The athletes must be dedicated, willing to work hard, coachable, and train more than the rest. This program will run for one month, twice a week, at Father Robinson indoor Courts. The program will run Tuesdays and Thursdays from 6-7 pm. 

The first two sessions will be at Holy Family School due to the construction at Father Robinson School.


Register for Hitter Development

NexGen Libero Development
Coaches Darren Cannel, Toako Chie Imamura and David Choung

The project will be the start of training to create the next generation of Liberos in Saskatchewan. We will seek a set of 16 athletes who would like to train to be the next group of Liberos. The athletes must be U14 and U16 age club groups or grades 6-11 (This is just a guideline. They could be older or younger.) We are looking for athletes with no more than a single season or no training as club players. The athletes must understand the commitment and desire to become the NexGen Liberos. The athletes must be dedicated, willing to work hard, coachable, and train more than the rest. This program will run for one month for two days each week at Father Robinson indoor Courts. The program will run Monday and Wednesday from 8-9 pm.

The first two sessions will be at Holy Family School due to the construction at Father Robinson School.

Register for Libero Development

NexGen Setter Development
Coaches -Toako Chie Imamura and Denise Chapman

The project will be the start of training to create the next generation of Setters in Saskatchewan. We will be seeking a set of 16 athletes who would like to train to be the next group of setters. The athletes must be U14 and U15 age athletes. (This is just a guideline. They could be older or younger.) We are looking for athletes with no more than a single season or no training as club setters. The athletes must understand the commitment and desire to become the NexGen Setters. The athletes must be dedicated, willing to work hard, coachable, and train more than the rest. This program will run for one month for two days each week at Father Robinson indoor Courts. The program will run Mondays and Wednesdays from 6-7 pm.

The first session will be at Holy Family School due to the construction at Father Robinson School.

Register for Setter Development

NexGen Fundamental Development Grades 4-6 
Coach -Sandi Neith

The NexGen FUNdamental Development for grades 4-6 is a one-hour introduction to volleyball and one-hour fitness, agility and jump training on Sunday Morning. The following skills will be introduced during this session:

  • Serving.
  • Passing (forearm underhand passing).
  • Setting (overhead passing).
  • Attack options (hitting/spiking).
  • Blocking (from attack and defend positions).
  • Defensive skills (rolling & sliding).

The fitness, agility and jump training hour is designed to help athletes develop their vertical jump. It is a strength, agility and jump combination of exercises to help the athletes learn to jump and land. It will assist in avoiding injury caused by improper jump technique.

Register forFundamental Development

Jump Training
Coaches -Tamille Schuler and Jaime Waskowic

Jump Training twice a week will profoundly impact a player's explosive power and boost their volleyball game. Jump training will happen each month. Every Tuesday and Thursday from 7- 8:00 pm in September. The jump training sessions are designed to help athletes develop their vertical jump. It is a strength, agility and jump combination of exercises to help the athletes learn to jump and land. It will assist in avoiding injury caused by improper jump technique. There will be limited spots in each group. So, register quickly.

The first two sessions will be at Holy Family School due to the construction at Father Robinson School.

Register forJump Training

Open Gym Game Play
Coaches - Katie Young and Daxtin Cannell

The academy is hosting an open gym night. This is a two-hour volleyball play night. Tell your friends it will cost you 17 dollars to play. Please pay ahead of time by registering.
It is not organized and is just a time for people to play Volleyball.
No referee, no scorekeepers, no coaches...just music. Everyone is welcome

Register for Open Gym

Basic Serving Sessions
Coach - Sandi Nieth

The Six Skills Series is the skills needed to be a well-rounded volleyball player. The sessions are short and focus on a single skill. In school and club volleyball, the coaches often do not have time to teach basic volleyball skills. Where can an athlete ensure they have a solid foundation to develop these skills? These sessions are an answer to this problem.
This is a chance for athletes who want to do a consistent serve over the net.
This session is offered Sunday 10-11 am on September, 11,18 and 25. You will have to register for each of the three dates separately.

Register for Basic Serving

Private Lessons
Coach-you choose

Private lessons allow the athletes to choose the session's topic. A coach will be assigned based on the skills instruction or who the athlete requested.   A private lesson can be for one-four athlete. The session price is the same if one or four athletes attend the session.
The private lessons are top-rated as they allow the athletes to work one-on-four with our talented coaches. The most popular sessions are the three "S" of Volleyball. Volleyball's three "S" are serving, setting, and spiking.

Register for Private Lessons
The above are the sessions starting this week; many are close to being sold out. If you are interested in one of the above sessions, register early.
We have also added a whole pile of other sessions which will start later in the year, and if any of those interest you, register so you can make sure you have a spot.
The above are the sessions starting this week; many are close to being sold out. If you are interested in one of the above sessions, register early.
We have also added a whole pile of other sessions which will start later in the year, and if any of those interest you, register so you can make sure you have a spot.
Check out the Photo Gallery

The Benefits of Sports (taken from

Academic and Career Benefits

Youth sports help young athletes learn essential life skills like goal setting and time management, as well as the following:

  • High school students, especially female students, who play sports are less likely to drop out.
  • Participation in team sports results in a higher GPA for both high school boy and girl athletes.
  • Physically active children are 15% more likely to attend college.
  • Former student-athletes earn significantly higher incomes than those who do not play sports.
  • Student-athletes earn up to 40% higher test scores

Health and Wellness Benefits

Regular physical activity, fitness and exercise are critically important for the health and well-being of people of all ages.

  • Research shows that physically active children are less likely to be obese, have lower health care costs and have a reduced risk of heart disease, stroke, cancer and diabetes.
  • Teens participating in team sports are less likely to use drugs, smoke cigarettes and carry weapons.
  • Physical activity can enhance a child’s self-perceptions of body, competence and self-worth.
  • Organized sports participation may aid in developing physical skills, such as hand-eye coordination; functional movement skills and strength; and academic, self-regulatory, and general life skills. It may also have positive social benefits, improving social identity and adjustment.

Life and Social Benefits

Children who participate in sports, compared to peers who do not play sports, exhibit the following:

  • Greater personal confidence and self-esteem.
  • Stronger peer relationships.
  • Greater family attachment and more frequent interactions with parents.
  • More likely to volunteer, vote and follow the news.


Check out the Blog

Monday, August 29, 2022

Whole batch of new sessions


New sessions

No fancy pictures, just an update on the new sessions. No long descriptions. You will have to go to the registration page to get more information.

Grass Court Private Lessons

put six new ones on Tuesday and Wednesday of this week for those nervous about school tryouts. I can also do some on Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Just drop me a note, and I will put it on.

Want to know more

Friday Night Gameplay

Nine fridays, we play the music you come play. No coaches, no referees, no stress

Want to know more

Jump Training

  • September - added new spots
  • October
  • November
  • December
Want to know more

NexGen Series - twice a week, new group every month until December

  • NexGen Hitters Development
  • NexGen Liberos Development
  • NexGen Setter Development
  • NexGen Fundamental Development (weekends)
Want to know more

The six skills series

  • Basic Serving
  • Advanced Serving
  • Jump Serving
  • Basic Passing
  • Advanced Passing
  • Basic Spiking
  • Advanced Spiking
  • Basic Defence
  • Advanced Defence
  • Basic Blocking
  • Advanced Blocking
Want to know more

Beach 2's Training Summer Camps

  • Basic Beach 2's Training
  • Advanced Beach 2's Girls Training
  • Advanced Boys 2's Boy Training
Want to know more

Outdoor Summer Camps

  • Age 11-13 Volleyball Camp Outdoors
  • SMLW Outdoor Camp
  • Academy Volleyball G and S Camp
Want to know more

Making the Cut Camps

  • Making the Cut Junior High School Team
  • Making The Cut Senior High School Team
Want to know more

Saturday, August 27, 2022

If you want to do these, you better register!


If you want to do these, you better register!

Moving from Outdoor to Indoors!

Now that the most extensive and successful Making the Cut camp is in the history books, the focus turns to indoor sessions at Father Robinson School.  We are introducing a whole set of NexGen sessions.


The NexGen Sessions

These are rapidly filling. Register now so you are not one of the people sitting on the waitlist.  
Most of our sessions will run out of Father Robinson School, and most of the NexGen sessions will run monthly. You can wait and pass on the September session, but once the registrants get into the gym and see the coaches they get to work with, they will be registering for the next month right away.

Jump Training

We have Tamille Schuler doing the Jump training, which is sold out for September already and has a waitlist. We are working on a solution to offer another section of it.

Jump Registration

NexGen And EliteGen Setter 

We have Chie Imamura doing the NexGen and EliteGen Setter development sessions.

NexGen and EliteGen Registration

NexGen Hitters

We have Leanne McGettigan doing the NexGen Hitter development sessions.

NexGen Hitters Registration

NexGen Fundamental 

We have Sandi Neith doing the NexGen Fundamental session on the Weekend. These are the only sessions we run on the weekends. So if your week is packed, try these.

NexGen Fundamental Registration

NexGen Libero

I (Darren Cannell) and another coach will be doing the NexGen Libero development session. I am going on a cruise in the middle of September so I will miss a few sessions, and another coach will cover for me..

NexGen libero Registration

Full NexGen Program

I suggest registering for the next four months between now and next year and finding out how good you can get. Then bring all of that experience into Club tryouts.
We are seeing some athletes registering for all the NexGen as they are unsure which session will be what they are playing. So think of the change in your volleyball game if during the week you do two hours twice a week of jump training, setting, hitting, and libero. That is eight hours a week of training. Bring that experience into club tryouts.

Full NexGen Registration

The New Friday Game Night

A new set of sessions is the Friday Game Nights.
A chance to put all the skills you learn during the week to the test in a pickup game situation. There are no referees, structure, or coaches, just a chance to play the beautiful game.

New Friday night Games

Friday, August 26, 2022

Should my child move up to a higher level of play or age group?

 An athlete's parent wrote me the following note about the gameplay happening at a Camp at the Academy.  

"Is it possible for movement to a higher group in the camp, or is it possible to divide the group where she has been placed to raise the level a little? The calibre of gameplay is not what she is used to."

A widespread request by parents and athletes who like to play sports in an older age class because the level of play is higher, which they assume will allow the participant to grow faster and to a higher level. The coach, not the parents or athletes, should always start the movement to a higher level or different age class. Below is my response to this email.  

One of the biggest problems we have in the Canadian Amateur sports scene is that athletes always want to tier themselves until they are at a skill level closer to the bottom of a group of athletes. Many younger athletes want to play on a better team as they feel this will help them become better players. I believe younger athletes become better players by learning how to make others around them better. The best player on a team has a role to play as a leader, to save rallies using their advanced skills to get the level of back and forth they want in a game. The challenge of raising the back and forth rests on the shoulders of the better players.  


The group she is now playing with loses her ability to raise the level of play. She will keep moving up the groups until she becomes the one which slows the playdown. How would tiering her to a higher level improve the gameplay for all the camp or club players?

If she is used to a certain level of back and forth, I propose she does everything possible to raise the level of play on the court or team in which she is playing. If she does not have the leadership qualities or the skill level to raise the level of play, then she is not good enough to move to a higher level. She would like someone better than her to raise the level of play so she can then be part of the level.  

I suggest that if she wants a higher level of back and forth, she should make it happen.

Playing at a higher level means some of the best athletes in the sport never learn to become leaders as they are always at the lower or mid-range on the higher level teams. It also means that many of these younger players moving up to an older age bracket will not get as much playing time as they are not the best player anymore.

There are always exceptions to a rule. Some athletes moving up to the next level would be the best thing for their development. But a coach will recognize this and suggest the movement, and with the parent and athlete, the move might happen.

Wednesday, August 24, 2022

Personal Practice

 No talking practice. The order of activities is not essential. If you do not understand the activity, ask one of the coaches.

Set to yourself (100) _____ 

Set while doing three laps around the court___________ 

Pass to yourself (100)_____ 

Pass while doing three laps around the court_________ 

Do lines (3) ____ 

Do dive lines(3)____ 

Do spike approaches no jump (25) ___ 

Do spike approaches with Jumps (25)_____ 

Do block jumps at wall (25)____ 

Do block jumps at net (25)____ 

Block jump with step (25)___ 

Do a the daily questionnaire(s) on your phone 

Do spikes against wall (100)___ 

Pass against wall (25)____ 

Spike then dig against wall (25)____ 

Serve against wall(25) ____

 Serve over net (25)_____

 Serve 10 in a row over net ____ 

Do heart beat motion on backrow court (25) Middle___ Power ___ Offside___ 

Bounce pass (25)___ 

Bounce set (25)____ 

Bounce spike front of attack line(25)___ 

Bounce spike back of attack line(25) ___ 

Digs off net (25) ___ 

Ready position, step, split pass no ball (25) ___ 

Reaction ball at wall (25) ___ 

Block jump turn (25)___ 

Spike jump cover (25)___ 

Set step under bounce turn set (25)___ 

Pass step under bounce turn pass (25) ___ 

Sit (mental practice) Your team serves; you are in each position twice play the point ___

 Kneel anywhere on the court and serve (25)___ 

Sit and set to the wall (25)___ 

Lay down and set to yourself (25)____ 

Take a look at the photogallery___

Walk around the court lines (3) ___ 

Stand hands above head and press to the wall (block position. Do not slap wall press) (25) ____ 

Burpies (25)___

 Sit ups (25)___ 

push ups (25) ___ 

Find a sports quote and share it with a coach_____

Ask a coach to look at your weakest skill and suggest changes____

Tell a coach your volleyball goal____

This exercise is a personal practice, time to reflect, develop mental toughness and learn to push yourself. The coach can only take the team so far; what is needed is athletes who want to push themselves to the next level. Athletes who want to help their team are willing to work for the other players on their team. There is no talking during this session unless it is directed at the coach.

Sunday, August 21, 2022

Ducks vs Humans


Ducks vs Humans

Not fair. You should have seen the vertical jumps on the two closest to the camera, it was like they could fly.
This was the first Making the Cut Camp.  Does anybody know when it was, I cannot remember!

Thank you to all the Academy's Staff

This newsletter will be a quick one as I am trying to prepare for the 108 athletes coming to the Making the Cut Camps Monday morning.
I am excited to meet them all and see the talent coaches we have working at the camp do their stuff. Undoubtedly, the academy's coaching staff is why we sell out most of our activities.  
At the Making the Cut Camp, we have ten coaches and ten intern coaches. That is a ratio of 5.8 athletes to each coach. The lower the academy can keep this ratio, the more positive the camps in the summer have been.

Academy activities in September

School starts in September, and many of our athletes will be trying out for their school teams. Try not to be nervous, and remember, volleyball is a game, and it is meant to be fun. Good luck to you all, and I hope you all the best.  

Alongside your school activities, we will offer a batch of next-generation group month-long sessions.

September Jump Training

September Jump Training (almost sold out) - everyone should do this at least once in their volleyball career. Your knees will thank you later in life.

NexGen Hitter Development

NexGen Hitter Development - the best part of volleyball is hitting, come and learn how to hit harder and higher by one of the best hitters ever to play university volleyball.

NexGen Libero Development

NexGen Libero Development - come and learn to pass like a libero. Even if you never plan on being a libero because you like hitting, this is still the session for you.

NexGen Setter Development

NexGen Setter Development - no one teaches setting better than this coach. One month and you will learn to set like a setter. You might never play that position, but everyone will sometimes need to pass the ball overhand.

EliteGen Setter Development

EliteGen Setter Development - you are a setter and want to get better. Again learn from the best setting coach we know.

NexGen Fundamental Development

NexGen Fundamental Development - a little bit of everything volleyball for the grade 4-6 and the second group for the grade 6-8 athletes. FUNdamental Development is the only weekend activity we offer in September.

Register Now