Wednesday, January 30, 2019

The Youth Elite Academy - Volleyball Basic Overhand

It was cold out, but we had 10 young female athletes and one male athlete in the warm gym learning from the great setting coach Toaka Chie Imamura. 

The responses from the session rated it... 4.8/5.0

Every time, I work with Chie I learn something new or something I did not know about the setting position.

Gee Whiz, I wish I could throw...somedays it works and some days it does not.

I am in my socks because I played soccer and feet still hurt and hate shoes.

Chie in action.

Friday Night Pickup Games was sent to 256 subscribers of the Canadian Elite Academy list on MailChimp!

Friday Night Pickup Games.

Sharing a thought.

The Canadian Elite Academy has set up Friday night Pickup Game night. Here is the thought process behind this activity.
• The more touches an athlete can have with a volleyball the better their skill development.
• The organize practices and games tend to be planned by a coach and does not allow a player to control their own growth.
• Friday nights pickup games are flexible and can be used in a variety of ways. Such as:
     o Just play volleyball.
     o A different way to spend your Friday night.
     o Build your confidence by just playing.
     o Practice your serves.
     o Whole teams can use this time to bond.
     o Set up an informal game against another team. 
     o Challenge another team, maybe one not even in the same gender or age.
     o Play with some athletes of different gender, age, and skills.
     o The three hours time block means an out of town team can come to play.
     o Adult teams could come and use the time as well. (there is no age restriction.)
     o Play with some of the elite academy coaches or team coaches (all coaches play for free)
     o Bring a family member, ie: your parents, sister, brother or anyone else who can play.
     o Get ready for a tournament the next day.
     o Just a chance to put away the phone and technology and play volleyball.
     o Setters and hitter coming to a session to work on their ability to run plays.
• The cost for three hours of gym time is approximately 45 dollars and the goal from the Canadian Elite Academy point of view is to cover the costs. It is 5 dollars a person or 40 dollars for a team (up to 13 players)
I will bring the ball and the music.


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Sharing a thought

The Canadian Elite Academy has set up Friday night Pickup Game night.  Here is the thought process behind this activity.
·         The more touches an athlete can have with a volleyball the better their skill development.
·         The organize practices and games tend to be planned by a coach and does not allow a player to control their own growth.
·         Friday nights pickup games are flexible and can be used in a variety of ways.  Such as:
o   Just play volleyball.
o   A different way to spend your Friday night.
o   Build your confidence by just playing.
o   Practice your serves.
o   Whole teams can use this time to bond.
o   Set up an informal game against another team. 
o   Challenge another team, maybe one not even in the same gender or age.
o   Play with some athletes of different gender, age, and skills.
o   The three hours time block means an out of town team can come to play.
o   Adult teams could come and use the time as well. (there is no age restriction.)
o   Play with some of the elite academy coaches or team coaches (all coaches play for free)
o   Bring a family member, ie: your parents, sister, brother or anyone else who can play.
o   Get ready for a tournament the next day.
o   Just a chance to put away the phone and technology and play volleyball.
o   Setters and hitter coming to a session to work on their ability to run plays.
·         The cost for three hours of gym time is approximately 45 dollars and the goal from the Canadian Elite Academy point of view is to cover the costs.  It is 5 dollars a person or 40 dollars for a team (up to 13 players)
I will bring the ball and the music.

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