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Tuesday, January 24, 2023

Up Coming Sessions


Check out the new sessions for February.

Some will fill. Take advantage of the opportunity!

Important Updates

Draw your attention to the updated information on our registration page.

The About the Academy link has a new focus for the Academy based on it becoming a Non-Profit Corporation. Also included on this page are the Mission Statement, Vision, and Values of the Academy.

About the Academy

Important Updates

Right below that link is another update of information on the new Refund Policy for the Academy. To receive a refund for a session, you will need to complete the form at the bottom of the refund policy at this link.

Refund Policy

February Sessions

NexGen Setter Development (February)

The project will be the start of training to create the next generation of Setters in Saskatchewan. We will seek a set of 16 athletes who would like to train to be the next generation of setters. The athletes must be between 11-14 years of age or still in Elementary school. (This is just a guideline.) They could be older or younger. We are looking for athletes with a maximum of a single season or no training as a setter. The athletes must understand the commitment and desire to become the NexGen Setters. The athletes must be dedicated, willing to work hard, coachable, and train more than the rest. This program will run for one month for one day each week at Father Robinson indoor Courts. The program will run Wednesdays from 6:00-7:00 pm.


February Jump Training

Jump Training twice a week will profoundly impact a player's explosive power and boost their volleyball game. Jump training will happen each month. For every Monday and Wednesday from 8:00 - 9:00 pm. The jump training sessions are designed to help athletes develop their vertical jump. It is a strength, agility and jump combination of exercises to help the athletes learn to jump and land. It will assist in avoiding injury caused by improper jump technique. There will be limited spots in each group. So, register quickly.


Basic Serving Session

This session is a chance for athletes who need help to consistently get their standing serve over the net to work on this skill.

Advanced Serving Session

This is a chance for athletes who consistently get their standing serve over the net to increase their force and accuracy..

Serving and Passing Session

A team must have good passing to win. If a person is not a good passer, they become a target for an opponent's serve or attack. Do not be that target—that weak link on your team. Come learn how to pass. This session is a chance for athletes to perfect their overhand or underhand passing. The second part of these sessions is identifying the other team's weak passers and having a serve to help you take advantage of this weakness.
This session is for the grade 7&8 athletes; it will prepare them for the skill level they will need to make the jr teams in high school.


First Contact Development (February)

This session is designed to help athletes develop a better first contact in all situations where they can play the first contact. Athletes will work on individual serve receive, free balls, down balls and defence, and team situations. We will be seeking a set of 16 athletes who would like to train. The athletes must be in U14 and U15 age club groups or grades 6-9 (This is just a guideline.)They could be older or younger. We are looking for athletes with no more than a single season or no training as club players. The athletes must understand the commitment and desire to become the First Contact person. The athletes must be dedicated, willing to work hard, coachable, and train more than the rest. This program will run for one month for one day each week at Father Robinson indoor Courts. The program will run Thursdays from 7-8 pm. 


NexGen Hitter Development (February)

The project will be the start of training to create the next generation of Hitters in Saskatchewan. We will seek a set of 16 athletes who would like to train to be the next hitters. The athletes must be U14 and U15 age club groups or grades 6-9 (This is just a guideline.)They could be older or younger. We are looking for athletes with a maximum of a single season or no training as club players. The athletes must understand the commitment and desire to become the NexGen Hitters. The athletes must be dedicated, willing to work hard, coachable, and train more than the rest. This program will run for one month for one day each week at Father Robinson indoor Courts. The program will run Thursdays from 6-7 pm.


Open Gym Game Play

The Academy is hosting an open gym night. This is a two-hour volleyball play night. 
Tell your friends it will cost you 12 dollars to play. Please pay ahead of time by registering.
It is not organized and is just a time for people to play volleyball.
No referee, no scorekeepers, no coaches...just music.
There will be one court for Elementary school and one for High school players.


NexGen FUNdamental Development grades 4-8 (February)

The NexGen FUNdamental Development for grades 4-8 is a two-hour introduction to volleyball and fitness, agility and jump training on Sunday Morning. The following skills will be introduced:

  • Serving.
  • Passing (forearm underhand passing).
  • Setting (overhead passing).
  • Attack options (hitting/spiking).
  • Blocking (from attack and defend positions).
  • Defensive skills (rolling & sliding).

The fitness, agility and jump training hour is designed to help athletes develop their vertical jump. It is a strength, agility and jump combination of exercises to help the athletes learn to jump and land. It will assist in avoiding injury caused by improper jump technique.


Private Lessons (most Sundays between 12-1)

You can always book a private lesson if you cannot find what you want in all the sessions offered at the Academy.


Session Sale

We are offering up to 6% off of a summer event package. There is always a group of athletes who see the summer months as a time to take their volleyball skills to the next level. Many of these dedicated athletes register for each of these sessions individually. If these athletes register for five Advanced sessions before the end of March 31, they can save 5% of the costs. You save $60.40 by registering early. If the athletes register for the six Basic sessions before the end of March 31, they can save 6% of the costs. You save $82.20 by registering early.
Only dedicated volleyball players should register for these packages as it is a lot of volleyball in three months. However, the athletes will see the most significant improvement in their volleyball game by doing this much over the summer break.


Make sure you always remember it is a game, it should be fun!

A Great quote below,

- you can also change the word 
coach to parent
and player to child.

Sunday, January 15, 2023

15 days into 2023!


We are 15 days into 2023!

We were thankful in 2022, we were able to offer
205 Academy sessions
122 sold-out sessions
1,290 registrations
18,609 Page views
218  different communication memos
37 active coaches 
Thank you to all the athletes and coaches who participated in 2022.

Month-Long Sessions

I have adjusted the price of the month-long sessions to reflect that one week has passed. If you were slow out of the starting block in 2023, you could still register for one of the month-long sessions.

The month-long sessions that still have space are:

  • Attacking and Blocking session
  • NexGen Setter Development (January)
  • January Jump Training 8-9 pm
  • Serving and Passing session
  • NexGen Hitter Development (January)
  • First Contact Development (January)
  • NexGen FUNdamental Attacking Grades 4-8 (January)


NexGen FUNdamental Development Grades 4-8 (January) spots have 

been sold out.



First-Ever Private Lesson Day

Do you and five of your friends want to have a private lesson?
Does your team want a private lesson?
Are you not able to find an academy session which teaches the skill you want to improve?
Is your schedule so busy none of the sessions fit?
This private lesson day might be the answer!

The first-ever private lesson day is on January 21st from 10:00 in the morning until 8:00. That day, we provide private lessons to anyone interested. A private lesson costs $149, and you usually have up to four teammates or friends in the same session for the cost. On this particular day, we are allowing as many as six athletes.
Thank you very much for your interest in the academy, and I hope to see you at our first-ever full day of private sessions. We allow a whole team to register, but it has to be a two-hour block. Head Coach Darren Cannell will be coaching these private lessons as he will be back in town that weekend.
We look forward to seeing a wide variety of athletes during this day and allowing everyone to work on the skills they select and need to succeed during their club season.
Please register soon as it is filling up.


Thank you!

Thank you to Jaime Waskowic and Daxtin Cannell, who helped with the Gym rental issue at the last open gym game night last Friday. Fourteen registered athletes did not get a chance to play, and each was issued a full refund and an apology.   We have another open gym on the 20th. We hope the athletes return for that one.

The academy's success is due to the talented, skilled coaches who offer to share their skills at our sessions. The athletes are so lucky to have access to these coaches and then go back to their club teams and have fantastic volunteer coaches helping them to demonstrate their skills in game situations.   Every athlete should remember to thank their parents and coaches for helping them develop the skills, memories and life-long friends they will gain through volleyball. 2023 is the year for us all to be thankful for the good things we have in life.


Thursday, January 5, 2023

New Year, New Sessions and New Policies


New Year, New Sessions and New Policies

A New Policy

As the Academy continues to grow and shift its model of delivering sessions, we will review our policies to ensure they align with our administrative capacity and the structure of our program delivery. We aim to provide practical, safe, fun, and sustainable programming for good value.
The Academy Refund Policy
We have developed a refund policy intending to strike a balance between recognizing the planning and set costs required to deliver programming as a not-for-profit entity, as well as the fairness to participants who have to miss a substantial number of sessions due to unforeseen circumstances.  
The Academy offers a variety of sessions, and they have different refund policies. The CEO must review all refunds and cannot be approved or issued by session coaches. If you believe a refund should be issued, feel free to complete the form to find out.

The Academy Refund Policy 

We have developed a refund policy intending to strike a balance between recognizing the planning and set costs required to deliver programming as a not-for-profit entity and fairness to participants who have to miss a substantial number of sessions due to unforeseen circumstances.  


The Academy offers a variety of sessions, and they have different refund policies. The CEO must review all refunds that session coaches cannot approve or issue. If you believe a refund should be given, please complete the form.


Single-time Sessions (One Day), Mini Camps (Multiday in a row) and

Summer Beach Volleyball Training (Two or three-month sessions)

  • When an athlete cannot attend, they can allow another suitable athlete to participate.  
  • An athlete who is not attending must find a suitable athlete.  
  • It will not be the job of the Academy to find a replacement.
  • If a replacement is found, the name and email of the replacement must be submitted using the form before the session begins.
  • Not completing the form means the academy insurance will not apply, the athlete will not be able to participate, and no refund will be issued.
  • If it is not possible to find a replacement, the form should still be completed, stating the reason for missing, and if deemed appropriate, a refund will be applied if the form was completed before the start of the session.


 Month-long Multiday Sessions (Same Focus Spread over a Single month)


  • Month-long sessions are designed to build upon past sessions, making it impossible for an athlete to enter a single session in the middle. For this reason, no replacement athlete process can be applied to these sessions.
  • During a month, an athlete might miss a single session here or there. Still, a refund will only be issued if it is for a group of more than three sessions and due to injury, family emergencies, illness or for reasons approved by the Academy.  
  • A request for a refund must be before the missed sessions and not after the return to active status or the end of the month.
  • The request must be made on the form found on the registration at the bottom of the site. (Refund Form)



  • The replacement process does not apply to camps.
  • If the refund form is completed seven days before the camp and is deemed appropriate, a refund will be issued.
  • Any refund requests after seven days before the camp will be reviewed on a one-by-one basis, and refunds will be issued if it does not adversely affect the costs and coaching staff assigned.


The Academy will review each request for a refund, and a response will be given within a week of the request if you feel you deserve a refund complete the form and make the request. All submissions will be reviewed and measured against the cost of the event and coaching assignments. Any refusal of a refund by the CEO can be appealed to the Academy Board of Directors.

If you have any suggestions or comments before we pass this as a bylaw, email us!

Email us

Month long Sessions - Starting next week.

Attacking and Blocking session

Tue Jan 10, 6:00 - 8:00 PM (CST) 

Father Robinson School Gym


NexGen Setter Development (January)

Wed Jan 11, 6:00 - 7:00 PM (CST)

Father Robinson School Gym


January Jump Training 8-9 pm

Wed Jan 11, 8:00 - 9:00 PM (CST) 

Willowgrove School


Serving and Passing session

Wed Jan 11, 8:30 - 10:00 PM (CST)

Father Robinson School Gym 


NexGen Hitter Development (January)

Thu Jan 12, 6:00 - 7:00 PM (CST) 

Father Robinson School Gym


First Contact Development (January)

Thu Jan 12, 7:00 - 8:00 PM (CST) 

Father Robinson School Gym


NexGen FUNdamental Development Grades 4-8 (January)

Sun Jan 15, 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM (CST)

Father Robinson School Gym


NexGen FUNdamental Attacking Grades 4-8 (January)

Sun Jan 15, 12:00 - 1:00 PM (CST) 

Father Robinson School Gym

The date showing is the first day of the month-long session.  Check your calendar and register below!


The only single session next week!

Open gym game play

Fri Jan 13, 6:00 - 9:00 PM (CST)

Father Robinson School Gym

The sessions have been posted for January, February and March.

It is time to reach your goals; check the website for upcoming sessions and register early.
