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Monday, January 28, 2019

January 28 2019 was sent to 252 subscribers of the Canadian Elite Academy list on MailChimp!

We added a session on short notice.

Toaka Chie Imamura is doing this session

For those of you who are Elementary school athletes and new or in your first few years of playing volleyball,  this is a session you want to attend.  It was added at the last minute because when Chie is available to do a session, it is an honour.  Chie as a player in 1990 played in the Asian Junior Women’s Volleyball Championship and won gold. She was awarded the best setter award. In 1991 she played in Women’s U20 World Championship and won bronze. She was awarded the best setter award. In 1990 and 1994 she played for the University of Tsukaba Women’s Volleyball Team. Tsukaba University was one of the top teams in Japan. In 1987 the Tsukaba University came to Saskatoon to play against the University of Saskatchewan and again in 1990 and Chie came with them. In 1994 Chie came to Saskatoon to be an assistant coach at the University of Saskatchewan. She has since that time coached Club volleyball, High school volleyball, Community volleyball and done individual practice in the province. By many, she is considered to be one of the best setter coaches in the province.

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Coming up sessions

Share this with your teammates.  These are some fundamental session which will make you an asset to your club team.

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The academy has added a new feature.  If you register early enough you get a large discount on your session.  Check it out, do a little pre-planning and save up to five dollars on a session.  The money you save can be used to attend one of the game nights.
All age suggestions for the Youth Elite Academy and the Canadian Elite Academy are just that suggestions if you think you would benefit from a session, register for it.  This is the best way to figure out where you would benefit the most.  We at the academy can suggest where you should attend but in the end it is the athletes and parents choice.
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