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Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Canadian Elite Academy FAQs

1. What happens if the Athlete cannot make the session in which they have registered? The registration fees can be transferred between sessions and between cycles. Flexibility is the key and will allow athletes to work around their playing schedule and their busy lives.
2. The ratio of athlete to coach is 10 to one.  The coaches will be selected based on the skills at coaching individual skills.  Dr. Darren Cannell is the head coach and will be in attendance for most of the sessions but he is aware that there are better coaches out there for some of the skills.  
3. How is information communicated with the participants? Everyone who registers for a session is added to a mailing list.  Anyone on the list has the ability to remove themselves at any time from the list.
4. How do I decide which session my offspring should attend?  Sessions are all designed to be individual instruction which means participants can attend any session they want.  The academy has had sessions in which 50 years old Master National team members are in the same gym as grade seven participants.  The sessions for the same reason also have males and females in the same session.
5. How are the costs of a session used to cover the costs in the academy?  Firstly, the sessions have taxes added to the cost, which is GST and fees which are used to cover the software costs and credit card fees.  Secondly, the biggest cost for the academy is the gym rental fees.  Third, the coaches who are the major reason why the sessions are successful are paid as it allows the academy to attract the best of the best.  Forth, insurance, equipment, software development, accounting fees, lawyers fees, corporation fees, and other fees.  The goal has always been to try to keep the cost of the session as cheap as possible but at the same time covering the costs of running the academy.
6. What are free or open sessions?  The academy believes that participants need to touch the ball as often as possible for them to reach their potential.  The academy runs many open and free session to reach this end.  The costs for these types of sessions are the free or minimum cost to cover the gym rental costs.
7. Is the academy seeking sponsorship?  The academy is a for-profit corporation but is attempting to bring down the costs of sessions so it would embrace sponsorship.  Keeping this in mind the greatest need would be to gain sponsorship to cover the pickup game nights gym rental fees so we can offer those events free.
8.  What are the reasons for canceling Sessions?  Sometimes the school gyms that we rent are needed by the school and it can happen on short notice, so we send a memo out to the participants to the email with which they registered.  For this reason, it is important that you use an active email so you will get these notices.  The other reason sessions might be canceled is due to lack of registrations, the academy does not cancel sessions when there are enough registrations to cover the gym costs.  In fact the few participants the better the ratio of coach-to-athlete and according to Head Coach Darren, he enjoys those sessions more as you see the changes with the participant's skills when you can pay more attention to their skills.  This is also the reason private lessons are so popular.

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