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Saturday, August 24, 2019

Win A Prize

Each player who is attending the full camp will get a journal and a t-shirt.  The journal is used at the end of each session to complete some mental practice to develop more well-rounded athletes.  There will also be handouts give to supplement the journal work and also to make the athletes think about their approach to sports and volleyball.
The attached files are one such activity and help the coaches get to know the athletes better.   I have printed off a copy of this hand out that you can pick up as you come in the door for your first session. These need to be handed in by the end of the first day and the best three submitted will win their choice of an award from the collection of t-shirts, dawg shoes, and other donated prizes.  I have attached the front and back of the handout in case some of you would like to get a head start on the activity by printing them off at home and working on them beforehand.  I was an art teacher in another life and I like this kind of stuff.  The activity is not only limited to paper so be creative and surprise us with your entry.  This is not a mandatory activity but the prizes are worth the effort. 

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