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Sunday, September 8, 2019

Day One Session one Reflection

At the Making the Cut Camp at the end of August 2019 we asked the players to reflect upon some statements.
Below is the statement from the first session of the camp.

I feel playing time must be earned and if Player A is playing better than player B then A should get more playing time.

Players were asked to give the statement a number.  If you totally agree with the statement give it a 10, if you totally disagree give it a 1.  In simple language give the statement a number.

Overall average 7.6/10  There were 79 responses.

I somewhat agree with putting the best player on.  Depending on whether they come to practices or if they are good under pressure.  If player A never shows up to anything they don’t deserve a spot.
If someone works harder and is better than someone else they should get to play more, but no one should be benched for an entire season, so everyone should get to play a bit, but those who are better should get to play more
Player B will never learn if they keep getting taken off because player A is better.  You should give everyone a chance to play even if they struggle.
I think playing time is earned through being a good teammate. Obviously, if somebody is being an ass, they shouldn’t be on the court.  I also think you deserve court experience regardless of skill but the less experienced should be worked with off-court too.
It’s better for the success of the team if those who are playing best get more playing time but the others don’t get any touches (don’t improve).
I think 8 because a team should always do what they have to do to win.  Teammates should sacrifice playing time if they really wanna win.  However, this also isn’t the Olympics it’s for fun and everyone should get an equal chance to play.
Because playing poorly shouldm’t be rewarded with equal playing time.  You should have to work for it.
I feel that player A has earned more time on the court by showing that they are ready to play and only have that on their mind.  This also gives player B a chance to regroup.
Because player B needs to practice more but should still get some time on the court to get better.
I think a 7 because if you are really good and committed then you should play more to make the team better but if you are not as good you should also get more time to play so you can improve.
I feel that if player A is playing better than player B and their attitude is good than they should get more playing time.  But if they don’t show enough effort and don’t show up to practice and player B does then player B deserves to have more playing time.
I think if a player is doing better than one, they are more likely to play more than the other.  I don’t think it’s completely fair sub them out from practicing but the other is doing better
While it is important for the team to do best, if player B never gets playtime they can’t develop their skills, so it really depends on their importance of the game. If it is provicials it is different than a normal game.
I agree that if player A was putting in more effort and was playing better than player B that they should get more playing time but I also think that you improve by playing time and being part of the game.
Player A should play more because if the coach wants them to win they should keep the best players on more than the others.
I mainly agree because if a player has worked hard leading up to a game, they should deserve to play more than someone that has not been working hard.  But sometimes if the player isn’t playing their best it makes sense to sub them out.
Because I feel player A has worked very hard to be a pretty successful volleyball player, but to become better you always need game experience and practice, so if player B never gets practice then they will never get better.
I think this because if you are working hard and giving your best effort, and you're playing well then you deserve to play but also if you made the team you deserve to get playing time too.
Player B needs more practice than player A
I think fighting for playing time to just better push people, but you can not get better without practicing.
They (player A) worked hard and earned the right to play.  Those who apply themselves in practice, are respectful and listen to coaches should play more.
Sometimes they need more practice on one on one time.
Because this is a team sport and the goal is to win and if that means subbing someone off then that is okay.
I think that the age we are playing at we should all get to play a good amount in a game. If you are playing in a game you need to win then we should play the better players.
I think attitude should be a part of it too.  Through player, A is playing better if her attitude is dragging the rest of the team down she doesn’t deserve playing time.
When a player misses multiple practices, games, and team events they should not get the same amount of playing time as someone who almost always shows up.
I feel that a coach must make whatever decision is best for the team, in order to win, I also think that player B should play in games against the weak teams in order to improve.
Not really because player B should get time to improve their volleyball skills.
I like to play to win so If I’m having a bad day take me off as I can take a breather and refocus so I can play better.
Because If player A is playing better than player B and the game is almost over then you would want your better players playing but player B should be able to redeem themselves at some point.
If player A plays better they are earning the spot to play more.  Everyone has bad days but other days you will have better days and will get to play more than others.
Because if Player A is committing themsleves more than player B, they deserve to play more.  And if player B isn’t completely dedicated they should not be rewarded by playing.
Cause you wanna win and in order to win you have to play the best players.
Because it shows on the court who tries harder to get better if you always want to play your best players to win.
I think it is ok for coaches to play their best players but to a certain point.  All of the players should get a chance at some point to show they want to be there.
Because if player B isn’t trying their hardest and putting 100% effort in and player A is …then player A should get more playing time.
You always want to win so you should have your top players playing but if you play against an easy team you should let everyone play.
I mostly agree with this, I like to play to win and sometimes some people have good and bad days.  However, the effort is still a factor in playing time on the court as well.
I feel it is important for all to play, however, it highly depends on the situation.
If one player is better than the other they should get more playing time but the other player needs the opportunity to grow and learn in-game situations as well.
Because Player A is working hard then player b, player A wants more if they work harder.
Because player B should practice more to earn more playtime.
To earn playing time you must work hard and if you are not the best I believe you have to push yourself harder, playing time must be earned.
If player A is playing better than player B than A should be getting played because it is in the teams best interest.
I feel that this statement is true.  Because if I perform better than you, I should get more court time.
I agree with this because the people that are playing better should get to play, but also players need to be able to get through the tough days and they can’t do that on the bench.
Because some people can have an off day and when they keep messing up they get mad and sometimes you just need to come off the court and breath.
Players have to earn playing time.  They cannot get it handed to them they have to work for what they want.
Because if player b is worse and getting more playing time it just doesn’t seem right and if player A is better because he/she works harder on practice then they should bet more playing time.
I feel like each player should get playing time because player B will never get better if A is always playing.
Because I felt like my passing was very good and I call the ball very well.  When I play volleyball I always feel good but today I felt even better.
If player A has put the time and effort into being a better player.  The player B should work harder outside of the game to get to player A level.
Because player A will help the team the most than player B
Because player B won’t improveif they don’t play.  If player A got injured player B would have to play.
I agree on that playing time should be earned and that you should work hard to earn your playing time.
If the game is 20-8 than player B should get experience on the court.
The only way for player B to learn is to play more.
Because it would be what is best for the team.  We would want the highest possibility of winning all the time.
I think it should be equal playing time because player B can learn to be better unless it is 3rd set.
I think that everyone should get a lot of playing time but if someone is playing better in a game and you are losing the person who is better should play.
Since Player A is playing better then player B, Player B should take time in practice to develop more skills to be more dependable if Player A  is having a bad day.
Because if in the game you are playing bad but you usually play good you should be able to play.  If they are playing really bad then they should not be able to play.
Because maybe player B is a bad player but he might be coachable
It depends on what level of the game is being played.  With younger teams playing at a lower level the players who work the hardest should be given the opportunity to grow.  At a higher level or for important games the best players should be played.
You want to do the best for your team and play the best player playing that game and next game maybe someone else will be better.
If the game is important then A should play B could always get more in another game.
I think this rule stands but only when playing important games like in provincials and nationals.  However during games for an exhibition, I think playtime should be equal because then it gives everyone a chance to improve.
I agree with this statement but believe that whoever has put the most effort in should get the most playing time.  If someone is really good but never shows up to practices, they should get less playing time than the person who always shows up and gives it their all but isn’t as good as a player.
I agree because if one person works harder then others they should be getting results and space to show it,
Because player B may not be trying their hardest and they may be costing the team points so it is not fair to the rest of the team.
If player A is working hard and putting in more effort than player B they should get time because it is better for the team.
Because if someone is putting in more effort and is showing that they are doing quite well they should get rewarded because of that.  If someone is showing they are putting in the effort and they have grown they should also get time.
Because you should earn your playing time not just because it is equal playing time but because you worked for it.
 Because you want to good and have what is best for the team.
I think a 7 because playing time should be earned but I also feel that player B should get a chance to prove themselves Player A should play more however because if they are playing better than it is best for the team.
The more time you put in the better you are therefore you get more playing time because you are better than the others.
I think that the better players should play more as they have earned the privilege, but weaker players also need a chance to improve and show their worth and skill.
If a player is working harder and playing better they should be playing more.  Player B should be given a chance but who plays should benefit the whole team and their success.
Because Player A should play to get the win however B needs more time playing on the court.
You want to win so you play your best players but at the same time, everyone deserves to play so everyone should play there is just a time and place to play people.
If player A shows up to one practice and player B shows up to all practices then player b should get to play but if they both have similar attendance levels then player A should play.
Usually, this is true, but some game situation calls for certain plays or players.  A worse player is maybe better for a certain situation.
 You want your team to succeed and a positive attitude.
Because you have to give your team the best chance to succeed.

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