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Sunday, September 8, 2019

Day One Session Three Reflection

At the Making the Cut Camp at the end of August 2019 we asked the players to reflect upon some statements.
Below is the statement from the third session of the camp.

Being part of a team is a privilege.  My behavior reflects on the team and school or club.  I am accountable to the other team members.

Players were asked to give the statement a number.  If you totally agree with the statement give it a 10, if you totally disagree give it a 1.  In simple language give the statement a number.

Overall average 9.8/10 There were 77 responses.

Volleyball is a team sport.  My team looks to me to behave just as I look to my team.
I know that I shouldn't think like this but I'm often selfish and want to just play
I believe that you need a good attitude to win and encourage others.
They work hard to be there, so I should respect their hard work by working hard myself.
Sometimes it just does be like that.
We are responsible to be kind to our teammates, but we are not necessarily responsible for all the actions of our teammates.
I try to be as accountable as possible for my team but sometimes during games, I become a little more frustrated than normal and need my team to be there more than usuals for me.
If you have bad behavior you bring the team down which wrecks all the spirit.
Your actions impact others. If you mess up don’t be mad at yourself and don’t give up.
You want to be there for your team and help out when you can.
Being on your best behavior is very important as it sets a standard for others and playing isn’t a right it is a privilege.
Everyone on the team plays a role and matters.  You are linked to the team so whatever you do reflects on others.
A lot of the time it is hard to control your teammates.  The most you can be is tell them to stop.
If you are not acting as you should you should not be able to play.
Because if you don’t show up they may not have enough players.
Having fun and being positive are great factors to a good team and mood.
I think this because if your behavior is bad then it reflects on to your game when you play.
We cannot be responsible for other behaviors but we are for our own.  Our attitudes put a mark on our club. These are our team members so we have to respect them.
Be respectful to one and other.
Because volleyball is a team sport and one major thing could be a positive attitude so your teens can have a strong and good band of teammates
If you have a negative behavior it can reflect on you and your team and your club it can also dring down your team.  You are always accountable for your actions
If you are negative the team will be too which may affect the game
Everyone on the court and bench should always have a positive attitude, which will make the team for club or school because positive attitude is important in all sports.
I think 10 because you represent your team as an athlete, so if you are reckless in your behavior it reflects on the club badly.
Indeed my actions represent the team but also the club.  My behavior should be a valuable asset as it affects the whole team in gameplay.
Being part of the team means you reflect the team affects the rest of the players.
Because we are a team but we are also accountable for our mistakes.
When playing on a team if people see you acting in a negative way they don’t know who you are but they do see the name of your team and will think that the team must be all horrible because they see the one person acting that way
Your behavior is critical because others reflect off it having a good attitude is something you should always have.
Because they decided to pick you for the team.
Because if I have bad behavior I will bring the team down.
If you are down you bring everyone else down (I have personal experience)
You need to have proper behavior so you can prove yourself to your coach, teammates, and club
Best behavior matters because it reflects on the rest of your team badly.
Because everyone worked hard to get on the team and I can’t let them down.
The way you act around your teammates can reflect on how they act if you have a negative attitude everyone else will too always stay positive.
If you have a negative attitude it will bring the town down.  When you get upset at yourself it will bring the team down. If you have a positive attitude it will bring the team up
Because it can give a bad reputation to the team.
Totally, It only takes one bad attitude to ruin everyone else’s season
If my behavior was inappropriate it would probably reflect on how my team plays
That’s basically the most important part of being a part of a team is how you represent it.
Because when at a tournament you are a team and seen as that by everyone
I don’t know but it seems right.
Your actions always reflect on others on your team no matter what.
Your attitude affects the whole team without them and her respect you wouldn’t be able to play.
Yes because if you are being mean or rude to your teammates then it reflects on the team because of your behavior.
Our behavior reflects on our teams because if one person is getting down on themselves and others everyone else on the team can  sense the tension and the whole team shows negative energy.
Volleyball is a team sport.  You can’t win by yourself which is why it is so important to build a good report with everyone.  If your team is close chances are you will play better.
I believe that you have to want your spot and earn it, so it is a privilege
I agree with this statement because if your attitude is bad it reflects on others.
It is mainly 9 because it is very hard to be fully committed to games, practices and all that. 
Behavior always reflects onto other people whether it is good or bad behavior.  If you have good behavior the other teammates will feel that and ultimately play better.
It is very important to have a team that works well together if the kids don’t like each other or they are fighting the team won’t work well together.
Because you earn your way on the team and yes it does because you are influencing others on the team.
It is something you are committed to like any other team club or extracurricular.  When you misbehave or don’t show up it does reflect badly on the teams and yourself.
Yes if I make a team it is because the coach chose me.  Many people don’t make a team.  The way I act towards others also reflects on me and now teammates and coaches look at me.
If you are disrespectful or something then you shouldn’t play.
The coaches had no obligation to put you on their team therefor you need to maintain the attitude that they picked you for one player can bring down a whole team.
I think that you have to want to be on a team, it is a privilege.  Behavior shows on the court and you see people true colors on the court.
Yes If you are mean to other teams the team doesn’t know your name they know your team name, you’re a team not 12 individuals.
 Yes, it is a privilege because you earn your place on the team.
 Being on a team and being able to play is a huge privilege and everyone is in control of their own actions putting others down won’t help and realize everyone makes a mistake
 Your actions reflect on you and our teammates and it is a privilege to be part of a team.
Being on the team is a privilege you earn, by your skills, effort, and attitude.
Because playing sports is competitive, but you have to be positive and kind to everyone. Sports are only fun when everybody is a good sport.
Not everyone gets to play on a team.  I am very lucky to play on a team if I’m on one.  Being part of a team also means representing them so my behavior will show other people what our team is like therefore I should be grateful and respectful.
There are many people who want to be in your place so you should take advantage of being on a team and personally I don’t like having to deal with attitude from teammates.
To play as a team everyone needs to have a good attitude because it reflects well on the team.
There are many people who try out and put in the effort to try and make a team so if you make it on to a team it is a privilege.  You want to put your team the best reputation and you are responsible for your actions that affect the team.
To play well las a team everyone has to have a positive attitude when one person is down, everyone goes down.
I agree because the members of the team make up the way the team is thought of and you wan it to be positive.
Everybody earns their spot on a team as it is not completely a privilege.  The only thing is if you get a chance to go to camps like this one to continue improving.
We have to be happy on the team.  When we are upset others will be too.

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