Sunday, September 22, 2019

Day Three Session One Reflection

At the Making the Cut Camp at the end of August 2019 we asked the players to reflect upon some statements.
Below is the statement.
Mental, physical and spiritual health and academic success are all factors in your ability to contribute to a team.
Players were asked to give the statement a number.  If you totally agree with the statement give it a 10, if you totally disagree give it a 1.  In simple language give the statement a number.
Overall average 9.2/10 There were 72 responses.
All of those factors contribute to you being in the right mindset, shape and affect your ability to perform well.
Anything that is obstructing your mindset from doing what you want will make you a worse player.
If you are healthy outside of volleyball you can focus more on volleyball when you are there.  Having a clear mind when playing is important.
If an aspect of your life isn’t doing well, it can affect your ability to focus on play and your ability to support your team.
To be able to contribute to your team, you need to be prepared both physically and mentally.  When distracted big bad academics it affects your sports ability and it is good to be well rounded.
 If you are not mentally ok, then you won’t have the right attitude towards the game, or your team if your physical condition isn’t great you won’t be able to perform your best, spiritual and academic success also important for success.
In your head you don’t think you can be a good volleyball player then you won’t.
All aspects of life work with one another.  If some aspect of your life isn’t as great as it could be it will affect other things.
If you are not at your top/peak performance you are not going to play the best you can for your team.
You need to be healthy physically so you can move quicker.  You need to be mentally healthy so you know what you need to do.
You need all of these to be successful your head needs to be in the game and focus if you are negative or get down on yourself it is not going to help you.  You need all of these in order to become a good teammate.
You need a balanced lifestyle.  Other parts of your life could start impacting the game if you don’t focus on the other aspects of life as well.
If you are not healthy in every single way you are not at your very best.
If you don’t leave your ducks in a row, so to speak then you can’t focus completely on the game and practice.
All of those factors will help you contribute to your team but you don’t really need those factors.
You need to be 100% committed
If you are injured sick or your head is not in the game you won’t be able to play your best or focus.
All of these are important.  In order to bring all, you have got to the team you must be in a good place with all of these things.  Focus is key.
Mental health is very important and making sure you are taking care of your own is even more important as well as the physical and spiritual aspects.
If you are not feeling or doing your best it is hard to play your best and communicate effectively with your team.
With all of these, you become more positive and boost your team’s confidence
All of these factors affect your ability to focus on the game and your ability to play at your best.  If you are physically hurt there is a constant reminder but if you are not in the right mindset it can throw you off more than an injury can.
Sports is not just about skills it is about focus etc and you need good health.
You should have all strong factors to be the best teammates.  Mental, physical is most important for a team but academic and your spiritual beliefs will affect the team as well.
Because when you are on a team you have to give all of that to the team.
If you are not prepared in those ways you may throw your team off.
Because if you are not able to contribute to your team because of your health your team will not have any success.
That is true but also a good and positive attitude helps a good leader.
Volleyball is not only physical it is mental also without all the mental, physical, spiritual you can not play your best.
Because it takes a lot of mental work in a tourney in order to stay focused to work as a team.
These are very important
You need to be prepared mentally and physically.
Because it is always good to have all contribute to your life.
I think a 10 because if one of these areas is lacking it will affect all the other aspects and bring them down.
Because if you get down on yourself you are bringing your team down with you.
Yes because you need all to be healthy in all 3 to be a successful volleyball player.
Yes because your brain is important to your physical health.
Yes, cause you need to have the mental game when you are playing yo need to believe in yourself and others.
When you are confident you play better.  When you are healthy you play better when you play better you contribute more.
If you are less stressed about school and other activities you will play better and have more fun.
You need to be healthy in every way to be able to be a successful member of your team.
Because if you are not fully in the game or team you won’t be able to help them.
Because they can all affect your ability to play the sport.
If you can’t focus, can’t jump, just not at peace you won’t contribute as much.
If you have no confidence in physical health and mental stability you can be a good player
You need to be able to think if it goes to me where am I putting it to.
You need to maintain good mental and physical health to be a good volleyball player
No matter what is going on at home, school, friends, etc you should change and go to practice with an open mind and have fun.  Same goes with injury you still go to practice and watch and learn what they are doing.
Because it takes all of it to be a team
You need to have the right mindset in order to be successful.
Yes because you have less stress from school and other things and it will help the wellbeing of the team.
To be a part of the team you need to be fully committed mentally physically etc.
It is important to always be healthy in every single way whey you feel good you play well.
Yes because it all contributes to how you perform on the court and how you treat others.
It is very important to be focused when you are playing but if there is something going on in your life that can be hard.
Because you need all to contribute to a team and to be a good teammate.
If you can’t have all four aspects be good then you can’t fully commit to the team.
You need to have academy success and mental, physical and spiritual health because it makes you the best you can be.
Yes because when you are on a team you influence others and you have to contribute personal qualities to put the team together.
Having a clear and focused mind while playing will improve your game along with having good physical health your performance will be at its peak.
If you have a bad attitude that can affect the team greatly.  You need to always be in good shape.
 Yes because you need brain strength with some physical.
You need a clear mind to be able to focus on volleyball.  You also need to be physically in shape to do well in the court.
Mental health is one of the most important aspects.  If you don’t think you can achieve something then you won’t and physically helps with endurance.
Mental, physical and academic success all needed to sustain each other.  If one lacks, so will the others.  I don’t know what spiritual health is?
Because if you are not mentally or physically stable if affects your ability on the court.
The factors that you bring to the team affect the team.  Is your head out of it because you bombed a test?  Are you sore or possibly injured because you didn’t stretch right it all affects the team?
You have to have a good attitude to make everyone else have a good attitude.  You have to be physically active to be able to play.
Having success in other areas of your life allows you to have the confidence to use your skills on a team.  As well it means that maybe if you have that success it won’t be on your mind during practice constantly if you don’t receive that much success you can strive for it through volleyball.
These all affect your gameplay as part of the team.
I think that these are a big part of your ability to play.

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