Thursday, January 30, 2020

Coming next week.

Next week
  • Monday, February 3 from 9-10 we have space for two private lessons in Basketball or Volleyball
  • Tuesday, February 4 from 6-7 Special Youth session called Everything Volleyball
  • Wednesday, February 5 from 7-9 Basketball Defense session
  • Thursday, February 6 from 7-10 Learning to Draw on the Tablet session
  • Friday, February 7 from 7:30-8:30 Basic Serve volleyball session
  • Friday, February 7 from 8:30-10:30 Volleyball Pickup Game

Snow Volleyball Update

I also got a chance while in the states to talk to the Baden Volleyball Rep about a winter volleyball we might be able to use for our snow volleyball tourney.  I will continue to try the different balls and we will be having an outdoor snow volleyball tourney this winter.  Stay tuned for details.

The Van is decked out.

My van is now decked out with all the academies logos and website, my way of advertising, but I am still seeking help, share the academy newsletters, website and phone numbers with anyone you think would be interested.  Thank you in advance.  And wave if you see me driving around.

Art of Coaching Tampa Clinic

I was lucky enough this past weekend to attend an Art of Coaching Volleyball Clinic at the University of Tampa Florida.  I loved the sessions and will be sharing the information I learned with the athletes in my sessions.  If you are a coach and you ever get a chance to attend one of their clinics do it.  It was time well spent.

Exam Time in the Gym

Exam time in the gym

The Ecole Canadienne-Francaise on 2320 Louise Avenue is the gym which is currently the home gym for the Canadian Elite Academy.  This is called the quiet week of 2020 because it is the time that we cannot use the gym for four days as they schedule exams at that time and we cannot use the gym.  However, our Friday session is still happening so if you are a basketball player read below and register for it.
The only session we are running this week is the Basketball Rebounding Session on Friday, January 31, 7:30-8:30 and then pickup games from 8:30-10:30.

Tuesday, January 21, 2020


On Monday, the World Health Organization’s Regional Office of Europe dove deep into the art world. In a new report, it channeled its considerable power and resources towards investigating whether art really could be a powerful form of medicine — ultimately suggesting art can be therapeutic, and boosting its credibility in the process.

Sunday, January 19, 2020

Artist Elite Academy

Children should not stop playing sport in run up to exams as it has no impact on results, study suggests

Parents should not stop children playing sport in the run-up to exams because it has no impact on results, a new study suggests. Taking part in competitive team games in the run-up to GCSE and A-level exams will have no negative effects on a teenager’s grades, according to research commissioned by the Headmasters’ & Headmistresses’ Conference (HMC).

The study analyzed the GCSE results of 1,482 male and female students from 19 independent schools and examined the effect that participation in sports such as badminton, cricket, hockey, netball, rugby, and tennis had on their results. Professor Peter Clough, head the Psychology department at Huddersfield University who carried out the research, found that contrary to what some parents believe, “sports involvement does not appear to have any negative implications” on results. He told The Daily Telegraph: “Overall, taking part in sport appears to have a lot of positive impacts. There is no evidence that people involved in sport get any worse GCSE results.

Thursday, January 16, 2020

Youth Volleyball Academy

Work out


Drawing on your Tablet

Believe in yourself

Offering Basketball now...

Artist Elite Academy

Want to learn to draw on a Tablet or Phone
Register for the Artist Elite Academy Session
Instructor: Dr. Darren Cannell

2019 stats

2019 Stats

Now, this is exciting...Check this stat out...from January 2019 to January 2020.



Image... a whole new way of sport training and art training. 
With all the new academies starting up we need help from the Canadian Elite Academy community.  Please spread the word about the academy and share my email address and phone number to anyone who is interested.

Humming Bird Session

The first session will be drawing a hummingbird and flower.  You don't want to miss this music-filled drawing session which will calm your nerves and utilize that right brain.

Darren's tablet artwork can be seen at:
Register for Humming Bird Session

The Artist Elite Academy

The Artist Elite Academy will be run its first session on Thursday, February 6th from 7-10 (Location will be announced at a later time)  The first session will be learning how to draw on a tablet.  This choice of the medium means no mess and can be done anywhere and allows the transfer of any past drawing or painting skills.  This is currently the choice of Dr. Darren Cannell who was an art teacher for 20 years in his past life and is an award-winning tablet drawing artist who has published three books on how to paint on a tablet.   The session will require artists to have an iPad (tablet or phone of some sort), sketchbook pro app and a stylus.  This session is for all ages and all skill levels.  It is a great chance to see if your sports brain is also your art brain.

What side of the brain is used for sports and art?

What side of the brain is used for sports?

It's the right brain. In elite sportspeople, the brain processes for rapidly perceiving information specific to their sport, such as the movement of an opponent or the trajectory of a rapidly approaching ball, and making the correct movement, are (thanks to many hours of practice) very highly developed

What side of the brain is used for Art?

It's the right side as well that deals with creativity and art.

Sunday, January 12, 2020

Canadian Men's National Team is going to the Olympics

This weekend Canadian Men's National team beat Mexico, Cuba and Puerto Rico and will be going to the Olympics

Youth Volleyball Poster

Volleyball Poster

Basketball poster

Basketball Pickup Game Play

Friday, January 17, 8:30-10:30

This is the first Pickup Game Play session in the Basketball Academy.  This is an informal no referee, flexible gameplay.  Individuals pick up teams and play the game.  We play the music and the pickup game happens.  Pay 5.00 dollars and come play, talk your Parents and friends over 18 and they play for free. 
Register Now

Foul Shooting Basketball session

Friday, January 17, 8:30-10:30

This closed skill is like serving in Volleyball.  Foul Shooting has no other variables, just the player, ball and hoop.  Players are in total control and need to work to make this skill a muscle memory automatic skill that needs the practice to perfect.  Every basketball player no matter the skill level will benefit from this skill.  Register early!
Register Now

Volleyball Advanced Serve

Wednesday, January 15, 7-9 pm

Coach Darren Cannell will be working on move your serve pass the goal of just getting the ball over the net.  This popular session normally has lots of people involved and is an advanced session, helping perfect this closed skill. This session is considered filled at 10 participants.  Register early.
Register now

Youth Overhand Pass Session

Tuesday, January 14, 6-7 pm

Terry Graham (coach) will be running the second exciting youth session teaching overhand passing don’t miss it.  There are still a few spots left.  Register early.  We are still looking for everyone to help with the advertising of this academy.  It is for athletes from grade 4 to grade 7.  If you know someone who would benefit from the sessions spread the word.
Register Now

Both Private Lessons Sold out

Monday, January 13, 9-10 pm

Both Private Lessons Sold Out

It is exciting to see the sessions starting to sell out again this month.  It does cause issues as it means some interested participants may not be able to get the session in which they were planning to register.  Register early to make sure you get into the sessions you want.  The ratio we will continue to try to keep is ten athletes to one coach, this means we will cut off registrations

New Academy Banner (metal style)

Light Flash model

No light Model

Thursday, January 9, 2020

Canadian Elite Academy 2020

Winner make it happen, Losers let it happen.

Youth Elite Academy

Tell every interested grade 4-7 athlete, about our new Youth Volleyball Academy
Youth Volleyball sessions (Grade 4 - Grade 7)
These sessions are all one hour long at the Ecole Canadienne-Francaise on Louise Avenue.
Athletes are expected to bring their own ball and session are 15 dollars per hour session. Attend the sessions in which you are interested. The ratio of 15 Athletes to 1 coach.
January Sessions
January 7, 6-7 pm Serving session
January 14, 6-7 pm Overhand Passing session
January 21, 6-7 pm Underhand Passing session
January 28, 6-7 pm Spiking session

Basketball Sessions

Basketball Sessions
All sessions are at Ecole Canadienne-Francaise. Athletes need to bring their own basketball to the sessions. The ratio of 10 Athletes to 1 coach is the attempted goal for each session.
January 8, 7-9 pm Basic Shooting
January 17, 7:30-8:30 Foul Shooting
January 17, 8:30-10:30 pickup games
January 22 7-9 Basic Dribbling
January 31, 7:30-8:30 Rebounding
January 31, 8:30-10:30 pickup games

Volleyball Sessions

Volleyball Sessions
All sessions are at Ecole Canadienne-Francaise. Athletes need to bring their own volleyball to the sessions. The ratio of 10 Athletes to 1 coach is the attempted goal for each session.
January 10, 7:30-8:30 pm Jump Serve
January 10, 8:30-10:30 pm pickup games
January 15, 7-9 pm Advanced Serve
January 24, 7:30-8:30 pm Advanced Spike
January 24, 8:30-10:30 pm pickup games
January 29, 7-9 pm Basic Spike

New Youth Volleyball Academy began January 7 2020

Jump Serve Session and Pickup Game

Coming back to Saskatchewan

Above is the reason why leaving the beach holidays and coming back to our home even if it is cold and snowing is exciting.  The Canadian Elite Academy continues to grow and 2020 is going to be a good year for all three of the academies.  Check out the 107 plus sessions between now and the end of August 2020.  Register early for sessions and welcome the snow and cold and the opportunity to play sports indoors.
Register Early

Ecole Canadienne-Francaise

All sessions now happen at the Ecole Canadienne-Francaise on 2320 Louise Avenue Saskatoon.  The entrance is on the west side of the building.  We will see you on the courts in the new building.

Introducing Basketball Elite Academy Coach: Brad Schoenfeld

Introducing Basketball Elite Academy Coach: Brad Schoenfeld

Brad played 5 years with the University of Saskatchewan Basketball team and has coached in the Saskatoon Minor basketball league for every age division from Dunkaroos to Bantam. He coached two successful club teams in Saskatoon from the U13 level through to the U17 level.  He coached high school boys basketball at every level at Aden Bowman, Walter Murray, Bedford Road, and Evan Hardy Collegiates and worked as a clinician at numerous basketball camps in Saskatchewan and Alberta.

My mind currently lives in two places

The academy tries to restrict the number of email newsletters sent out to one a week.  But this week is special as it is the start of the Basketball Elite Academy.  The image above is where my mind currently lives and I am wondering on a day like this why we live here.  Then my mind goes to the excitement to the fact the academy is growing and tonite we have the first session in the new Basketball Elite Academy


Tonight, January 8th, 2020, is the first Basketball Basic Shooting session from 7-9 pm at Ecole Canadienne-Francaise on Louise Avenue.  if you are willing to venture out in the snow, register to attend as Brad Schoenfeld is running the session.

Exciting Changes for January, February, and March 2025

  First newsletter for 2025 Exciting Changes for January, February, and March The Canadian Elite Academy is starting 2025 with a refreshed a...