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Sunday, February 9, 2020

Most Common question

The Most Common Question

The most common question I get these days is how are the new academies doing.  So here is the update:
The Youth Volleyball Academy
  • Terry Graham is our head coach for this academy and he is doing a great job, his energy, humor and coaching approach is making the sessions well received and will make the academy a success.
  • It is slightly undersubscribed and we continue to seek new athletes.
  • The small numbers in the session make them very valuable and the athletes are learning a lot.
  • We are seeking elementary school athletes interested in developing their volleyball skills
The Artist Volleyball Academy
  • We have had one session so far and I again found the enjoyments I had when I taught high school art for nine years.  My wife asked me if I am running the Artist Elite Academy more for myself than for the participants, the jury is still out on this question.
  • The three artists that joined me in the first session created some excellent hummingbird and flower artwork and I look forward to reaching our maximum number of 10 artists per session in future sessions.
  • As these sessions are for all ages and I am excited to welcome some adults as well as a young artist to create a vibrant community that will create awesome digital artworks together.  If you are looking for three hours of stress relief from your adult life, think about attending one of these sessions, art skills not required.
  • Look for future posts of the artworks that were created in this new academy.
The Basketball Academy
  • The last basketball session was nearly full,  we are getting very close to the 10-1 ratio of athletes to coach.
  • The numbers continue to grow because of the caliber of coaches who are working with the academy.    Brad Schoenfeld, Donna-Marie Frassetto and Donnie Davidson have all offered sessions which have left me in awe of their coaching talent and have been huge learning opportunities for the participants.
  • The number of participants continues to grow in each session as the reputation of coaching excellence is being shared in the Basketball community.
  • Share the news, participant’s experience with the Basketball communities in Saskatoon.
The Volleyball Academy
  • Continues to be strong and sessions are close to filling even during the club season.
  • We have a great group of volleyball coaches and as my focus has been moved to the promotion of the new academies they have picked up the slack and for this I am grateful.
  • The private sessions are filling and I am truly enjoying watching the participants from these private sessions and the academy sessions using their skills on their club teams.
  • We have obtained new gym time at the Ecole Canadienne- Francaise School and have been able to increase the number of volleyball sessions hopefully allowing us to continue to offer the same level of volleyball skills training we have done in the past
  • Thank you for all the support that the guardians and participants have shown and continue to show to the Canadian Elite Academy as we grow.  (Continue to share the experiences to others about Academy as we attempt to continue our approach to taking participants skills to the next level)

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