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Sunday, February 9, 2020

Multi-sport athletes

Volleyball players should start attending Basketball sessions and Vise versa.  When I have an athlete who shows up to both I know they will go far in whatever sport they decide to focus upon.  This is what I have found from multisport athletes in the academy
  • Soccer players…fast feet easy to teach defense, team play
  • Dancers…great body control, understand how to apply simple instructions like arch your back more
  • Gymnastics…know muscle memory and will work to make it happen,  strong and jump well, good at controlling their body in the air.
  • Baseball players…good eye-hand coordination, good arm swing for spiking and serving.
  • Tennis and Badminton players, great serving and spiking  technique, great serve reception movement
  • Basketball players …good fitness and jumping skills and distance perception
  • Video Gamers…good at strategy, fine motor skills, focus, concentration, and goal achievement.
  • Poker…postive mental attitude, emotional control, concentration, and focus
Good athletes (Elite Athletes) in any sport can transfer their mental sports ability to any sport to make them a fierce competitor based on their ability to make others around them better, their focus, competitive positive attitude and their ability to focus on skill development.  These are all skills we want to foster in our Canadian Elite Academy participants.

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