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Thursday, March 26, 2020

CEA Virtual Locker Room Volleyball 30 Day Home Work-out

The third course I am looking at Volleyball Elite Academy off-season daily work out.  Each day using Google classroom the interest participants will be able to access a virtual person workout created by me by pulling together exercises from awesome coaches all around the world.  The exercises will work on players' motivation, movement, skill training, strength and jump training drills.  These sessions will cost the participants 2 dollars a day and participants will be required to register for 30 days at a time.  The 30-day registration will allow the athlete to spread the daily exercises over 60 days if they only want to work out every second day.  This too will be announced and available by the end of the week.  You can pre-register for this course on the Canadian Elite Academy website.  The first 60 days cycle will begin when it is completed and ready to go.  The workout schedule will start on a certain day and will end 60 days after the start.  The price will not change so if you want the full 60 days register early.  The second cycle will start 30 days after the first cycle’s start date.  I know this sounds confusing but in the virtual world select release is always a workaround to make a program possible.
The internet is full of work out ideas for all different sports and the Canadian Elite Academy has sorted through the volleyball online solo training videos and has selected the best exercise drills available and compiled them into an online learning management system (google classroom). Darren Cannell is a Google certified instructor as well as a Microsoft innovative hero of education who will apply his experience and education to attempt to build a system which will virtually build a community of people and motivate them virtually to continue to work on their volleyball skills during the off-season and during times of isolation. These daily workouts should not be done on practice or game days, hence the reason why a 30-day session is spread out over the 60 days allowing the participants to decide when is the best day for them to work out. This being an information session without direct supervision from the Canadian Elite Academy staff means that the responsibility for participants to be able to work safely and successfully take their skills to the next level is theirs alone. The Canadian Elite Academy is offering the exercises but the participants must decide which is the best way for them to be safe but still motivate themselves.

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