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Thursday, January 21, 2021

Newletter Volume 5 Issue 2


School Day Academy and Jump Training

School Day Academy Returns

School Day Academy is a focused on one hour twice a week skill training sessions and once a week gameplay. The current COVID restrictions only allow 8 people in bubble training groups. The School Day Academy will offer two groups, one is grade 7-10 athletes and the second group is grade 11-12 athletes.
Each of the volleyball skills will be taught and athletes will be required to self-motivate themselves to become well-rounded players. The coaches will attempt to develop a climate within the practice planning, structure, focus, and implementation during the skills training to develop high intensity, success-driven, high communication, and team mentality growth activities.
The athletes will be given the opportunity to register for Agility, Jump, and Strength training sessions on their day off or right after their day of skill training. The game day will be an opportunity to play controlled 4 on 4 games to try to utilize the skills that were taught during the skills sessions. Game days will be on Fridays every second week

Agility, Jump and Strength Training

The jump training program is a program that was tested on the first School Day Academy and has shown a jump improvement in the athletes. If you want to improve your jump this tried and tested program is a high energy program and is easy to stay motivated if you do it at the same time as others. The program should only be done twice a week so your legs have a chance to recover.  It is possible to do only this and not the School Day Academy.

There will be limited athletes (8) at his session to makes sure we follow the academy protocols for COVID

The last three weeks of sessions sold out very quickly.  This will happen with these sessions of well as we can only allow 8 athletes to participate in each group.  Sign up early so you don'e miss out.

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