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Sunday, April 11, 2021

Newsletter Volume5 Issue 13


As the Weather Warms Up

As the weather warms up, we are starting to look towards volleyball outside.  On March 17, 2021, the cancellation of all Sask Cups ended the Club season in Saskatchewan.  All the training teams hoping that things would improve in time to have some club tournaments have stopped team practices with this announcement.  The academy sessions' enrollment has declined as the weather improved and the volleyball for this season canceled, so the academy has decided to cancel all the indoor sessions in May and June.   
The appearance of the variants in Regina lends pause to continue with the sessions, but the April sessions will continue until Saskatoon infections begin to increase.  We will continue to follow the guidelines and keep an ear to the announcements.

Private lessons

In May, we will be open to running private lessons for the athletes who would like to continue to train in that month.  These private sessions will not be placed upon the calendar and are requested via email by the athlete.  These private lessons can have four athletes in them for the same price, and we should be able to find time in the IceBox Facility if we are given a little advanced notice to schedule time. 

Free Pick up Games

If the weather is nice in May, we will attempt to schedule some free beach sessions.  An announcement of the dates and times of these sessions will occur a few days before they happen. The number of participants will be kept within the guidelines by having people register before they show up to play in the sand. 

Beach Volleyball

The good news is with the nice weather we can start looking towards the outdoors and beach.  We are lucky enough to have Leanne McGettigan willing to coach one of the groups that will delay its start date until July and run until August. 
We are fortunate to have Leanne willing to do sessions as she is an experienced beach player.  Darren Cannell will be the coach for most of the other sessions.  There are two delay groups with a start date in July rather than in June and recently added to the calendar.  All the other beach sessions will begin in June and run until August. The four sessions that run from June to August are all Sold out except for one.  Darren Cannell is coaching all of the June to August Sessions.

Setters, Liberos, and Hitters

In July we have a great camp called the Setter, Libero and Hitter Camp.  Each athlete registered in one of the three positions and matched with the best coach we could find for the position.  The last year when we ran this session, it sold out and was so much fun.

Making the Cut Camps

In August, we run the Making the Cut Camps.  We offer:

  • Elementary School,
  • Junior High School,
  • Rookie Senior High School
  • Returning Senior High School camps. 

These are very popular, so do not wait too long to register for these camps as I feel we will have school volleyball next year, and this is the preparation camp for the school tryouts.

A Big Thank You

In the end, the most important is a big thank you to all the participants who considered the academy for their volleyball training during the pandemic. 

From March 1, 2020, until April 10, 2021, we have had a total of 897 registrations. As we continue to grow, we are open to suggestions and comments, so do not hesitate to contact us. 

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