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Monday, July 5, 2021

Beach Season and Summer Camps


Beach Seasons and Summer Camps

The first tournament that I was able to watch in a year happened this past weekend.  It was so much fun seeing past and present Elite Academy Beach players on the courts in Saskatoon at the VOGO Tournament.  The tournament was well run, the weather was fantastic, and the athletes worked hard in the heat.  Congrats to all the winners and participants.
The month of June is coming to an end, and it has been some enjoyable weather this past month.  The beach training is going well on the new sand, with the wind has been blowing almost every day.  We start the new 2-4 pm beach training session on July 5.  Leanne McGettigan will be joining us as a coach for the session.  The 4-6 pm and 6-8 pm sessions will start the second month of training, and I look forward to the hot weather that is on its way.
If you are interested, we have limited space in the July and August session.

Summer Camps

July is the start of the camp season at the academy. We offer the Age 11-13 Outdoor volleyball Camp and the Setter, Libero and Hitter Camp.
There are less than 5 spots left open in each of these camps
The High School team league in Saskatoon Schools will be happening in September.  The academy will be offering the Making the Cut Camps to prepare interested athletes in their quest to make their school teams.  The Making the Cut camp has been moved to the Sasktel Soccer Center on the east side.  Each of the four camps will be 8 hours of skills training and 4 hours of gameplay.
We are looking forward to offering this exciting camp on the three courts like we have in the past years.  The Elementary School and Junior High School athletes camps will be in the first week on August 16-19th.  The second week will be the Senior High School team athletes on August 23-26th.

One of the most viewed aspects of the Academy website is the photo gallery.  Check it out.
Photo Gallery

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