Saturday, September 25, 2021

October Sessions

A New Month a New Batch of Sessions

October Sessions Include:

  • Private Lessons
  • School Day Academy October Basic and Advanced
  • October Jump Training Basic and Advanced
  • Queen and King of the Court Tournaments
  • Thursday Skill Sessions

Private Sessions

October Private sessions allow the athletes who cannot attend any of the regular sessions to schedule their own.
Private sessions allow up to four athletes to attend for the same price.  The athletes choose the day, time, content and coach for their private session. 
Want to know more?

School Day Academy

We will offer the school day academy in October if we have enough athletes to cover the cost of the sessions.  There are two groups, one basic and one advanced.  The sessions happen three times a week.  Basic sessions run Monday, Wednesday and Fridays.  Advanced sessions run Tuesday, Thursday and Fridays.  Fridays are always game days.  We attempt to develop the whole athlete during the school day sessions. It is the most comprehensive session run at the academy.  Suppose you are interested in advancing your skills and are serious about working to achieve your goal. In that case, the day academy is the best session.
Want to know more?

Jump Training

These twice-a-week sessions are divided into two groups, basic and advanced.  Basic is on Monday and Wednesday, right after the basic school day sessions. The Advanced is on Tuesday and Thursday, right after the advanced school day sessions.    The timing allowed athletes to attend the school day sessions and then move right into the jump sessions.  The Jump sessions are becoming very popular and usually are fully subscribed for the months.
Want to know more?

Queen and King of Courts Tournament

These fun, informal opportunities to play are designed to allow athletes to register as an individual and then play games.  It happens on Sunday night all through October and November.  There is room for 16 athletes in each of the four categories offered.  The games are designed using the same approach as the Making the Cut Game Play.  Each night, athletes will play 5- 10 minute games and a win is worth 2 points, a tie is worth 1 point, and a loss is worth 0 points.  After nine weeks, a Queen and King of the court with the most points will be crowned.  This is an opportunity for some gameplay.
Want to know more?

Thursday Skill Sessions

Every Thursday in October, a different skill will be taught.  The four being Setting, Blocking, Digging and Hitting.  You can register for one session or all four.  We have many athletes registered for these sessions, and we continue to try to maintain our 10 athletes to  1 coach ratios.   Come learn how to play the game.
Want to know more?

King and Queen of the Court


Introducing Canadian Elite Academy Gameplay

October and November GamePlay.

Starting in October-November, we offer the opportunity to play indoor Queen and King of the Court at the Ecole Canadienne-Francaise, 2320 Louise Avenue Saskatoon.
There will be 9 nights of play and space for 16 individuals in each category.
The four categories will be:
Queen of the court Girls grades 6-9 8:30-9:30 pm
King of the court Boys grades 6-9 8:30-9:30 pm
Queen of the court Girls grades 10-12 9:30-10:30 pm
King of the court Boys grades 10-12 9:30-10:30 pm
Each night the categories will play 5 – 10 minutes games.  Each time they play, they will be sorted into a new team, getting a chance to play with all the other individuals in the athlete’s category.   Individuals will be given 2 points if they win a game, 1 point if they tie a game and 0 points for a loss.  At the end of the 9 nights of play, 45 games later, the player with the most points will be award the title and merchandise as the King or Queen of the beach in their category.
This fun, exciting way of playing games was used at the Making the Cut Camp for years.  It is fast, teaches the athletes every point counts, and if you can make the others around you better, you might be the King or Queen of the beach. 
Tell your friends, limited spots.
Are you better than the rest?
Are you the ultimate teammate?
Are you the reason your team always wins?
Prove it!
The facility has the following requirements for us to be able to rent.

  • Must submit and adhere to a Return to Play Protocol. 
  • Must be able to provide proof of liability insurance.
  • The gym will not be open to the general public. Therefore, tournaments with spectators are not permitted (athletes and coaches ONLY). 
  • Must take the temperature of all persons entering the building.  A temperature scanner will be provided. 
  • All persons must ALWAYS wear a mask, even during sports activities, while in the building. 
  • Must be able to submit a contact list for all persons involved in their party after each rental. 
  • Must adhere to all government authority restrictions and guidelines. 

Hope to see you on the court and playing the game

Sunday, September 19, 2021

This is the way you need to vote!


This is the way you need to vote!

The only question as a Doctor and past teacher that I feel qualified to vote on is the following...
Which is more important?
Make sure you all get out and VOTE on September 20th, 2021.

Here is what is happening this week at the Academy.

This week in the Volleyball Elite Academy, we have a couple of different sessions happening.  The Jump Training is happening twice a week, and you can register for the rest of the month.  We have three different pillars that we try to cover while doing the Jump training.  They are Jumping, agility and strength.
This week we are doing underhand passing on Thursday 23, 2021, from 7-8 pm for the basic session and then 8-9 pm for the advanced session.  You can register for any level of those sessions or both of the sessions.
We hope to see you on the court soon. 

Learn more
This is the Jump Training strength training video..

Wednesday, September 15, 2021

What it takes!


Successful tryout or not?

School tryouts - Success or Failure?

Share this with anyone who was successful or failed in their school tryouts!

Every year in September, a group of athletes have tried out for their school team and have not made it.  This year is even worse as some of the athletes making this quest could not play last year as the sports were shut down here in Saskatoon.  During the pandemic, some athletes have spent a lot of time working on their own to further their volleyball skills, while others have not put in any time.  The ones who have worked on their fitness and skills stand out a lot from ones who have not.  The ones who put in the time are rewarded by making the team.  In other years the ones who worked hard outside of the school year are usually the ones that are awarded by making the school teams and club teams.  The few spots on school teams have been more competitive as the number of athletes flocking to volleyball increases. 

To the athletes who did not make the team, you need to ask yourself a few questions.

  • Did you do for fitness and skill development during the pandemic?
  • Do you play beach volleyball in the summer?
  • Do you play club volleyball in the winter?
  • Do you believe you can make the team by only working on volleyball skills while in front of a coach?
  • Is the decision to play volleyball yours, friends, family or others?
  • Do you understand that it is not how many times you fail but how you react to failure?
When I coached and selected players for a team, I looked for athletes who:
  • are physically able to handle the challenges of playing volleyball
  • have done enough activity in their past to possess eye-hand coordination, agility and strength.
  • Coachable
  • Make eye contact when being given instruction
  • Understand it is a sport and meant to be fun
  • Confident but not arrogant
  • Make others around them better
  • Understand team
  • Leadership
  • Not entitled
  • Mentally tough
  • Positive attitude
  • Not a complainer
  • Grateful
  • Honest
  • Puts others first 
  • Humble
  • Compassionate
  • Vocal
  • Smiles most of the time
  • Not a quitter
  • Sense of humour
  • Let others tell them how great they are.
  • No excuses
  • Strive to be better each day
  • Willing to earn playing time and do not expect it
  • Ready to make sacrifices to be on a team
No players will have all of these characteristics, but they are a shopping list on how to succeed.  
Dr. Darren Cannell
Check out the Memes below to further clarify what it means to be elite!

Elite Athlete Memes

Welcome to Wave 4


Welcome to Wave 4

Send us some information

The academy last year had a large number of athletes attend.  We are always excited when school and club start to see who made teams via Facebook and other social media sites.  We would like to bring attention through our gallery and blog of all those athletes representing their school at this time of year.  If you have an athlete in your family and would like to have them proudly displayed on our blog and gallery, drop me a note and an image or video of the athlete plays. We will post it for all to see.

Congrats to Keegan Colleaux (25)

Trained with Canada's Youth National Team this summer

Send us some information

The academy last year had a large number of athletes attend.  We are always excited when school and club start to see who made teams via Facebook and other social media sites.  We would like to bring attention through our gallery and blog of all those athletes representing their school at this time of year.  If you have an athlete in your family and would like to have them proudly displayed on our blog and gallery, drop me a note and an image or video of the athlete plays. We will post it for all to see.

Send us Information

Photo Gallery

The most popular area of our site is the photo gallery.  The gallery was started at the conception of the academy.  It is fun to go back and see some of the old images of those athletes who graduated from high school. The gallery is always a trip down memory lane for me.  We are in the thousands of photos now. Set some time aside and see some of the remarkable athletes who have attended our sessions.

Photo Gallery and Blog
At the Academy, we designed a Canadian Elite Academy – Volleyball Lower Body stretch video

Elite Player Memes


Friday, September 3, 2021

Why did you cancel School Day Academy?


We cancelled the September School Day Academy.

We will start again in October

Don't worry we will have October School Day,.  It will start October 4th, 5-6 pm reserve your spot now.

Want to know more?

Exciting Changes for January, February, and March 2025

  First newsletter for 2025 Exciting Changes for January, February, and March The Canadian Elite Academy is starting 2025 with a refreshed a...