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Saturday, July 2, 2022

School is out - Now What


School is out - Now what?

Happy Canada Day - We have so much to be thankful for living in this great country. Getting caught up in negative politics, news, pandemic challenges, and other daily life issues can seem challenging. But when you get to your happy place with the incredible coaches and athletes, life is good. Happy Canada Day, everyone.

July and August Beach Session

We are into July; believe it or not, we are already into the second month of some beach training. A couple of spots are left in the beach training two-month session, which starts on July 5th. Do you want to play beach volleyball? Register today!

Beach Registration

Private Lessons Outdoors

We have placed some private lessons for those people with busy schedules but need to work on some skills. These sessions will happen on the beach courts or grass courts.

Private Registration

July Jump Training 

July Jump training which runs on the grass beside the beach courts on Tuesday and Thursday starts on July 5th and has a few spots left. It is the best thing you can do for your volleyball game. Sign up now to increase your vertical jump.

Jump Registration

Age 11-13 Volleyball Camp Outdoors

Age 11-13 Volleyball Camp Outdoors is rapidly approaching and has five spots left. It is a basic volleyball skill training camp..

Age 11-13 Registration

SMLW Outdoor Camp

Want to learn what it is like to play a position or perfect a role you already play in volleyball? The Setter, Middle Libero and Wing Hitter Camp (SMLW) is beginning of August and has a few spots left.

SMLW Registration

Making the Cut indoor Camp

Making the Cut Camp is almost full; we are still two months away, but the Junior side has a waitlist, and the Senior side has only ten spots left. Register now.

MTC Registration
The Academy does not supply volleyballs.  Every participant must bring their own ball to events.

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