Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Discovering How the Academy Functions: What You Need to Know.


Discovering How the Academy Functions:

What You Need to Know.


To fully understand how the Academy operates and how to get involved, there are three main resources to explore

The Registration Page
This is your primary hub for signing up. Here, you'll find:

  • A full list of sessions with descriptions, dates, times, and locations.
  • Payment options and registration details.
  • Links to other resources on our website, so you can easily find additional information if needed.

The Academy Information Website
Dive deeper into how the Academy works. This section is broken into tabs, each focused on a particular area of interest:

  • Learn about the tier system and what each level offers.
  • Stay updated on major events and changes within the Academy.
  • Get a better understanding of our session naming system and how sessions are tailored to athlete needs.

The Academy Blog
Our blog serves as a rich historical record, offering:

  • Insights into the Academy’s growth and the journey we’ve taken over the years.
  • Future plans for the Academy and new initiatives.
  • Newsletters, discussion papers, and more in-depth articles about how we’re evolving.

The Registration Page  Navigation Bar
On the Bar you can find many different links:

  • More Infos
  • Blog
  • Store
  • Photo Gallery
  • Feedback
Below, you will see a screenshot of each and a link.
The Academy Website
More Info
The Academy Blog
Academy Blog
The Academy Store
Academy Store
The Academy Photo Gallery
Academy Photo Gallery
The Academy Feedback
Academy Feedback
Clarity, Change, and Development are the core goals driving the academy's continuous growth. As we evolve, we are committed to reflecting the needs and values of our community. If you have any suggestions, comments, or thoughts, we encourage you to share them. We read and welcome all feedback, as it helps us build an academy that genuinely represents our collective vision.  Email is always the best way to get a response from the Academy.
Email The Academy
New sessions added to the Registration Website are:
  • Two months added to the present School Day Academy
  • Cycle two  of the School Day Academy (February - April)
  • Leagues will need more registration to run in November and December
  • Beach training programs
  • Royalty of the Beach Tournament
  • *ELITE 1 and ELITE 2* sessions
  • More Private lessons
Hope to see you on the Courts soon.
Register for a Session
Club tryouts are starting to happen: Before sending your daughter, read the following letter; this is an option piece by Dr. Darren Cannell 

I recently received an inquiry from a parent of an athlete regarding the ongoing Camp at our Academy.

"Is it possible for my child to transition to a higher group in the camp? Can the group she's currently in be modified to increase its competitiveness? The current gameplay does not align with her usual standards."

This concern echoes a common sentiment among parents and athletes. The prevailing notion is that playing in an older age bracket accelerates an athlete's growth and overall skill development due to its heightened intensity. However, it's essential to underscore that the coach should initiate the decision to move a player to a different tier or age group rather than parents or athletes. Here's my perspective on this topic:

In the Canadian amateur sports landscape, we often observe an athlete's tendency to constantly seek a higher tier until they find themselves at the lower end of skill within a group. Younger players frequently aspire to be part of superior teams, hoping this exposure will hone their talents. However, I firmly believe that young athletes blossom not merely by playing alongside better players but by uplifting and enhancing the skills of their teammates. A top-tier player shoulders the responsibility of leadership, steering the game's tempo and setting the standard of gameplay.

For the child in question, continuously advancing through groups might eventually position her as the least skilled player, slowing down the game's pace. The pertinent question here is: How would this potential upgrade benefit the entire camp or club?

If she's accustomed to a rigorous gameplay rhythm, the onus is on her to elevate her current group's standard. Should she lack the leadership or proficiency to enhance her team's performance, then perhaps she isn't ready for an advanced tier. It seems she yearns for more skilled players to set the game's tone, allowing her to merely participate at that level.

If she genuinely craves a more dynamic gameplay, I urge her to take the initiative and create that environment.

Elevating to a superior level can often be a double-edged sword. While it exposes players to heightened competition, it might also relegate them to the sidelines due to their relative skill set in the new group. Some of the most promising athletes never truly cultivate leadership attributes because they're constantly sandwiched in the middle tiers of higher-level teams.

Of course, generalizations have their limitations. For certain athletes, progressing to an elevated level could indeed be the catalyst for their growth. When a coach identifies such potential, in collaboration with the parents and athlete, a transition might be the right path forward.

Dr. Darren Cannell



ChatGPT's thoughts on this issue.

Navigating Athletic Progression: Moving Up in Age and Skill Levels

When parents witness their child excelling in a particular sport, a common question is: "Should my child advance to a higher level or age group?" It's an understandable question, driven by the desire to nurture the child's potential to the fullest. However, several nuances need to be considered.

1. Skill vs. Maturity: 

While a young athlete may possess the technical skills to compete at a higher level, we must remember that sports aren't solely about physical capability. Emotional and mental maturity plays a crucial role. Engaging with older athletes can sometimes be daunting and may introduce pressures that younger athletes aren't prepared for.

2. Leadership and Team Dynamics: 

Sports are as much about individual prowess as they are about teamwork. Being a standout player in a current age group offers opportunities for leadership and understanding how to elevate team dynamics. There's immense value in learning how to guide and uplift peers, a skill that might be sidelined if one is constantly in the shadow of older, more experienced players.

3. Growth and Consistency: 

Constantly being at the top isn't necessarily the best vantage point for growth. Encountering challenges, facing failures, and bouncing back are essential aspects of an athlete's journey. If athletes continually seek levels where they're among the less experienced, they might miss out on these growth opportunities.

4. Coach's Insight

Coaches interact with athletes regularly and can gauge their skills, adaptability, mental resilience, and team dynamics. Their recommendation about moving up a level should be given significant weight, as it comes from a place of expertise and firsthand observation.

5. Playing Time and Exposure:

In a higher age group, there's a possibility that the athlete might get less playing time. Being a star player in a current age group ensures more gameplay, which might be more beneficial than sporadic play in an advanced group.

In conclusion, while the allure of advanced play levels is evident, the decision should be holistic, factoring in the athlete's overall well-being, growth prospects, and long-term aspirations. It's essential to foster an environment where the athlete feels challenged yet not overwhelmed, ensuring a balance between skill enhancement and personal development.

Remember, volleyball is a game; relax and do your best at tryouts. Good luck.

Discovering How the Academy Functions: What You Need to Know.

  Discovering How the Academy Functions: What You Need to Know.   To fully understand how the Academy operates and how to get involved, ther...