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Tuesday, August 20, 2019

More camp information

The camp is getting close to hitting 90 plus athletes. This results in a two-tiered approach to the coaching hours. Each athlete has self-assessed themselves into groups.

Time One Group Beginners and Seniors two groups (17 athletes in each. Total 34)
Time Two Group Juniors and Intermediate three groups (20 athletes in each. Total 60)

Time One Group
8:00 - 10:00 am
12:00 - 2:00 pm
4:00 - 6:00 pm

TimeTwo Group
10:00 - 12:00 pm
2:00 - 4:00 pm
6:00 - 8:00 pm
The Time Group one will be made up to the beginners.  (We will need a coach who will be identified as the head coach for this group.  If you are interested in this job, drop me a note.)  This group will require an assistant coach for the first and second session. 
The senior group head coach will be Darren Cannell.  Each of the first and second session will require an assistant coach to help with those sessions.
A different assistant coach will be used for each session to provide a different skill set during each of the 8 sessions.  (Each of the coaches at the camp will be asked to sign up for a session.
The Time Group Two will be made up of the bulk of athletes.  The head coach for these sessions will be Darren Cannell and the assistant will help on each of the courts. (This is the same system that was used last years camp)
Each of the assistants will be required to design and do a warm-up on the 8 sessions (sessions one and two)
The Time two groups third session is a game session and will be supervised by Darren Cannell, Toako Chie Imamura, and Michele McKeown
The  Time one group, third session is a game session and will be supervised by Darren Cannell and whoever decides to be the Head Coach for the beginner group.

Sessions for the four days are as follows
Day one Session One
Introduction and Underhand passing
Day one Session two
Setting and  Attacking
Day one Session three
Game Play
Day two Session one
Day two Session two
Blocking,  Free ball, Transitional play
Day two Session three
Game Play
Day three Session one
Serving and Underhand passing
Day three Session two
Spiking and Blocking
Day three Session three
Game Play
Day four Session one
Day four Session two
Day four Session three
Game Play

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