Thursday, August 22, 2019

The Camp Placement experiment

The Placement of athletes into the different tiers for the Canadian Elite Academy has been an adventure in learning for me.  The first challenge was to get each of the participants to complete the survey.  (we are still tracking down a few)
The academy is trying to develop a system where we try to limit the amount of evaluating that is done to the athletes and help them move more to a self-evaluation system. 
The placement survey asked some interesting questions which helped with the placement of the athletes. 
We first looked at the last level the athletes played.
Then the next level the athlete wanted to play. 
Then the tier the athletes thought would be best for them to enjoy the camp.
Then we emailed out a suggestion for the tier level for each athlete who has completed the survey asking them to respond to the placement.
The last step was to give the parents and the athletes the change to respond to the placement and if they wanted to be higher or lower the adjustment was made. 
The choice of tier should challenge the athlete and also not be too high as to be beyond the skill level of the athlete.
The academy will move an athlete up if we identify the tier they are at is not challenging enough.  Parents and athletes will need to make the decision to move down a level.  In the end, all of this is to make the experience more valuable for the athletes.
A few points about the up and coming camp
Be at the sessions at least 15 minutes before it starts.
Be ready when the session begins, do not be that athlete who is still putting their shoes.
Bring your own volleyball, label it well.
Ask for help, athletes need to take ownership of their learning.  The ratio of coaches to an athlete is 10 to 1 and we have collected a great group of very experienced coaches.  Ask often for help and make the most of the event.
Bring a water bottle.
Cell Phones are not to be used in the gym.  If you need to use the phone go outside.
Bring extra socks if you are not going home between sessions.
Bring a snack of some sort and make sure you eat outside not in the gym
Parents are always welcome to watch the camp and should do so above in the balcony.
The camp is designed to be fairly high intensity and is why the spacing of the sessions is two hours on and two hours off.  Athletes should relax, take a break and understand they will have sore muscles by the end of the camp.
If you are being picked up by anyone other than your parents make sure the coaches know.

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