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Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Is the sport post-game handshake between teams become a thing of the past?

In 2019 the academy had 900 plus participants, for about the last three years at the end of each session the athletes have come by to shake the coach's hand and I began to fist bump then because there were so many of them.  Back when I was a teacher I was exposed to lots and lots of students but since my retirement, I have found that I am not exposed to as many people.  For this reason, I decided the fist bump was a good way to end the session and not lool anti-social, little did I know that I was years ahead on the coronavirus disease. 
Now, in a world where contact can be dangerous, maybe it is time that at the end of sporting events two teams need to do the hip hip hoorays and then fist bump rather than shaking hands.  For years the team water bottles have been a thing of the past and maybe the post-game handshake now is gone as well.

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