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Thursday, March 12, 2020

Necessary Organizational Changes to the Academy

Coronavirus currently has everyone worried about the impact of having themselves and children in crowded areas. Personal hygiene, respiratory etiquette, use of face masks, cleaning and self-monitoring are all part of the recommended individual public health measures. In addition to this, the Canadian government public service website talks about social distancing to protect yourself and others if you are asymptomatic or symptomatic of having a risk of being exposed to people who have the virus or have been in affected areas. Currently, we are fortunate to be in Saskatchewan with not know cases of COVID19 but in the connected world in which we live it seems that it will only be a matter of time when the world health organization has classified this as a global pandemic.
The question to be asked is how should and will the Canadian Elite Academy be proactive to help this situation. The enrollments in the sessions have dropped already which is a good thing from a social distancing standpoint as the sessions are not crowded. This, however, is a result of parents doing what they think is the best for their children. I believe we at the Academy must be proactive and the following measures will be taken to limit the risks.

All large group sessions will be canceled until further notice.
The Artist Elite Academy will be canceled as it is done with the artist sitting in a close group.
The only offerings until further notice will be private lessons.
The private lessons will be scheduled and will only allow a maximum of 4 participants and the two courts will allow for two sessions to occur at the same time but will never be combined
The private lesson means the athletes attending will choose the focus of the session.
The registration website will reflect this change and anyone who has paid for a session in advance will have the registration fees refunded to the credit card used.
The coaches used to instruct the private lessons will be limited to a smaller group allowing the Academy to monitor the health of these coaches.
We do not want these measures to be seen as a knee jerk reaction but a necessary action until further information by reliable sources lift the status of a global pandemic. Thank you for the understanding of the need for this change.

The private lessons can be from one to four athletes for the same price but the athlete picks the topic of the session and the people who will be in the session with them which means both the academy and the participants will be more able to be inline with the pandemic suggestions.

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