We are one week away from our May Shutdown at the Academy. The idea behind the shutdown is to allow us to stay away during the Variants of Concern. I do not like the fact that they are showing up in more and more young people. During May we will allow private lessons only. This will control the numbers, and I should run most of the private sessions as I do not want to expose our coaches until the vaccines start to help.

On the site, there will be a session called "Private Lesson." This is where you would register an individual or group private lesson. The cost for the session is $149 for an hour-long session. The athlete who registers will be asked: What is the date you would like to have the private lesson? What is the skill that you would like to work on in your private lesson? What are the names of the athletes attending? (this is where you would put the other athletes' names coming to the private lesson. (you can have up to four athletes for the same price.) Is there a coach that you would like to work with? (Please choose me as I do not want to use any other coaches during May) It is not possible currently for the athletes to pay separately. The private session is for one athlete. That athlete is the lead for the sessions and determines the date, time, skill and coach, and then that athlete can determine which other athletes can attend his/her session. (up to 3 other athletes) In the past, many groups of athletes have used private lessons to control the date, time, skill and coach for a session. This flexibility allows the group to pick the date and time that works the best for them and get to choose the coach. The flexibility of the private lesson is good for some groups as the scheduled academy sessions are arranged by the Head Coach of the Academy. Often groups of athletes may not be able to be in the same group or the dates and times of the academy sessions; as they do not work with other commitments; the skill they need work on is not being offered, or the coach is not the one they like to work with. The private lessons flexibility allows the group to control all of those factors.

In June, we will start our beach volleyball training sessions. The June – August sessions are mostly sold out. The Advanced Beach 2's girls session is one of the four that still has space in it. So if you are a grade 11-12 athlete or are entering your second year of beach training, this session could be for you and your partner.
In July, we have a shorter beach volleyball training session. The July – August session waits until school is over and earlier in the day (2-4 pm). We have two sections, one advanced and one introductory session. This will allow athletes who play other sports to try their hand at beach volleyball because it should not interfere with other sports practices and games.
 We offer our first-ever Age 11-13 Outdoor Volleyball Camp on the beach courts on July 12-15; come check this one out. The sand teaches proper footwork agility and technique as the elements mess with the volleyball.

We also have a Setter, Libero and Hitter camp happening on July 19-22. Sign up for this indoor camp. It is an excellent positional training camp. We have run it in the past, and it has been well attended and popular.

Our Premier CampsOur premier camps are coming at the end of August; check them out. Making the Cut Camps. We have a large number of athletes who attend just these offerings at the Academy. We have so much fun, and it prepares the athletes for their school tryouts. 
The Artist Elite Academy will be posting live free art lessons on Facebook every Thursday at 6:00 pm. If you have a tablet come to watch and I will show you how to draw digitally.

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