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Tuesday, May 18, 2021

Two weeks of the shutdown is done!


Two weeks of the Shutdown is done!

Yes, I am missing the athletes but I needed the rest and the Variants of Concern had me nervous. The academy has been shut down except for private lessons for all of May.  Two more weeks to go before we start outside beach training.  I am so excited to start another year of beach training. I am looking forward to the tunes, the sun, the wind, the rain and all the elements which make it such a fun experience.  It is only a few weeks away.

Don't miss out on this awesome training opportunity

Although some of the beach 2s training sessions are sold out, we have had some cancellations due to injuries which have open up some hard-to-get slots.  If you are interested, check it out.
We offer two different levels and two different start times.
Basic sessions are for any players new to beach volleyball
Advanced is for any player who has trained at least one beach season.
The different start times are June-August and then two sessions with later start times of July –August
Times we do sessions are 2-4 pm (only July-August), 4-6 pm and 6-8 pm

Summer camps

We have various camps coming up this summer, and these camps are starting to fill up.  The Making the Cut Camps will be smaller as we have broken them into four different age groups and spread the camps over 2 weeks.  Check it out and reserve your spots.

Setter, Libero and Hitter Camp

This is a position camp for athletes who are already starting to specialize in one position.  The setters should not be new to the position but the libero and hitters can be.

Outdoor Volleyball Camp Age 11-13

The other camp is basic volleyball skills outdoors for age 11-13 years old athletes.- it is almost full, so do not wait to register for this one.

The Winners Will

At first glance, The Three Rules may sound harsh.
You might even say they're cruel or unkind.
They’re actually, though, a form of tough love.

When it comes to talented athletes, many are held back by self-doubt more than any physical challenge they may face.

Does any of this sound familiar to you as a developing, competitive athlete? You can’t stop thinking about a mistake you made when the score was tied and everyone saw or the look on the coach’s face when you missed an easy shot.
You become trapped in your own head, stressing out over every little mistake you’ve made. Maybe you feel like everyone is looking at you and scrutinizing your every move.

If so, there’s a good chance that you may be carrying an unnecessary mental and emotional weight into competition and you are suffering from the ‘burden of self’:

If you want to overcome the constant worry you feel…knowing and living out The Three Rules can help you overcome this obstacle. By using these simple rules, you can take your game to the next level and be the one who can compete with confidence.

Instead of self-consciousness…focus on becoming self-aware.
Instead of self-importance…focus on giving generously of yourself.
And instead of self-absorption…focus on staying humble.

For a detailed explanation of The Three Rules…listen to Podcast Episode #4 on our website –
- Gisele 

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