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Sunday, January 16, 2022

The state of the Academy


The state of the Academy

We are slowly opening up.

I hope that you and yours are safe and able to navigate your way through the confusion of the Omicron COVID variant. The Academy has been trying to figure out the best way to move forward in these times. Our current solution offers nothing but team training and private lesson training. Physical activity is significant for the physical and mental health of the youth, and we would like to be able to offer something at the Academy without spreading the variant.

Club team training -During their practice time!

Team training works as I can come to club teams and run sessions during their practice. It works well for both groups as they have gym time, and when I am not running month-long sessions, I have the time.   The cost for this activity is 15 dollars an hour per athlete for the session, and the team coach decides the skills to cover. I like this solution as it keeps the bubble small for the athletes as they are already a group that is working together. I am the only new member. The typical sessions I was running were 12-15 athletes from different teams, which is not a good practice with Omicron.  The team practice sessions are great because they can be cheap than the normal sessions as the academy does not have to pay for the gym time.

Email me to set up one of these sessions.

Email Us

Private Lessons -Work in a small group of four athletes

The Private lessons are suitable as well as the athletes decide who they would like to train with and the group only includes four athletes maximum. The athletes get to choose the topic and coach. I have only recently secured some gym times for the private lessons, and they are on the registration page. Most of them are sold out, and I will add new times as I get the gym times. The cost for the lesson is 149 dollars per hour for one to four athletes.


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