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Saturday, May 14, 2022

A few good sessions


A Few Good Sessions

My Job as Volleyball Canada Representative

I have been lucky enough to have just been in Ottawa at the U14 National Championship as the Volleyball Canada Representative. On Tuesday, I will be off to the National Championship in Edmonton again as the Volleyball Canada Representative. If you are there, make sure you say hi when you see me. There will be over 900 teams and 55 courts at this championship, the biggest volleyball event in Canada. It is a sight to see, so it is truly a fantastic event if you can get there to watch it.

Bring your Volleyball to every session

Every activity we run at the academy requires the participating athlete to bring a volleyball to the session. We stock all the recommended competition volleyball, but there is a limited amount. The academy attempts to stock volleyballs when they are not as expensive and buys them in bulk to cut costs. Before buying from the academy store, check on the internet to see if you can find the balls cheaper than we offer and if you can buy it. Then, let me know so I can get in on the deal for other academy athletes.  

Start Shopping

Learn to Jump Correctly

There is an increased number of athlete injuries after the two years of pandemic lockdown. There is no activity which will have a more significant impact on your volleyball play than Jump Training. Training will teach athletes the correct way to jump and land to help protect and prevent athletes from future injury. Increase your vertical jump, and you will see athletes have more confidence in their volleyball service, spiking and blocking skills. The jump training will occur outside the three summer months with a new, very qualified instructor. Consider registering for these monthly sessions.


NexGen Setter Development

Toako Chie Imamura has offered to run a three-month-long setting session. This is a session for a small group of 11-13-year-old athletes considering becoming setters in school and club volleyball. The name of the session is called the NexGen Setter Development. This has been my dream to have Chie offer such a session as no one is a better setting coach. There are limited spots for this event. Consider registering for one of the spots for a select few lucky athletes.


Play in the Sun, Sand and Wind

I look forward to the beach activities each year, and it is right around the corner. It is so much fun to be in the sun, Sand and wind. Beach training will enhance your ability to play indoor volleyball. This year, we have 60 plus athletes already registered for the outdoor activities; there is still space for you.


The Premier Indoor Volleyball Camp

The second activity which brings a smile to my face every year is the indoor premier camp called the Making the Cut Camp. We have 53 athletes already registered for this camp, and there is still space for you.


How Good Can You Get?

The exciting thing for me is the "How good can you get" schedule."
At the academy, an athlete can sign up for this group of sessions, which will change the way they play the game in three months.

Volleyball Overdose Schedule
1.) Beach 2's Training
2.) Jump Training
3.) NexGen Setter Development
4.) Age 11-13 Volleyball Camp Outdoors
5.) Making the Cut Camp
6.) Private lessons on the Sand 

We have never been able to offer such a comprehensive set of sessions before, and it will be exciting to see how good some athletes can become.


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