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Wednesday, September 28, 2022

5 Key Elements Coaches Look for in Recruiting a Libero

 It's worth noting that a libero should develop good communication skills and should be able to coordinate the work of his/her teammates on the court. As a result, a libero will be able to demonstrate a great serve-receive game and make a good pass.

Recruiting a libero is typically a marathon, not a sprint. Liberos are the toughest and usually the last position to be recruited. Not only are they competing against every other libero, but also small pin hitters and setters. We asked a few of our excellent college coaches from every level, what they look for in a libero.


The most common thing we heard that college coaches are looking for when recruiting a libero. The libero is always on the court unless it is her one play she is required to sit out. She needs to be the spark plug of the team. Work ethic is contagious; if the libero is doing her job, she sparks the team on defence and motivates everybody on the court. She is always someone everyone can look to for support, leadership and bringing the team up when they are down.


Hustling to cover the hitter and get back to base defence. Hustle to get the tip up. Hustle to chase a shanked pass. Hustle to help a teammate off the floor. Hustle, hustle, hustle all the time. Remember, work ethic is contagious.


Passing a three-ball so the offence can run the system with all options available is more important than a libero being great at defence. When a coach has seen a libero play lights-out defence, it always comes back to, “can she serve-receive-pass?” I’ve been asked this question more than any other, from college coaches about the libero. With the libero being back in every serve-receive play, they do not want her to be an easy target. Typically, liberos tend to be easier targets since they wear a different jersey from their teammates.


Does the libero get her angles on her platform to manipulate the ball where it needs to go? Does she have a variety of ways to play a ball? Everybody gets out of position or caught moving in one direction when the ball is touched off the block and changes paths all of the sudden. Can she get her platform around the ball and make a good pass in that situation?

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