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Saturday, February 19, 2022

A quick note


A Quick Note

Sold Out Camp

Thank you to all who registered for this camp. This will be a quick newsletter as I prepare for the February Break Camp next week. We have 46 athletes attending, ten coaches and six athletes on our waitlist. Make sure you register early for sessions, as many are selling out.

Private Sessions - New ones coming soon in April

Sometimes the best thing to improve a skill is reps. Over the next couple of months, we are running lots of private lessons, but only three are still open.   Some athletes have even rented their gym times, and if it works around my schedule, I will attend or find another coach to run a private lesson. (this private lesson is cheaper as the athletes pay for the gym (100 Dollars)).


New and Improved Jump Training

The NEW and IMPROVED jump training will happen in march but only has 2 spots left.  

The academy has not set up the jump training, private sessions or sessions for April; stay tuned for that one.


Beach and Making the Cut Camps - Summer Stuff

However, we have set up the outdoor beach season and camps for the summer. Again limited spots, so register early. We always try to get a jump start on these in-demand sessions so athletes can reserve their spaces.


Thursday, February 10, 2022

Serving Sessions


Serving sessions

A chance to work on your serving

Two one hour time to work on your serving.
Friday 11 7-8 one hour of serving
Friday 11 8-9 one hour of serving  (a little more advanced)

Serving sessions

Jump Training session

March will see the new and improved jump training start.  Check it out.
It is taking registrations, there are only 12 spots.

Jump training sessions

Saturday, February 5, 2022

What is Happening?


What is happening?

Exciting News

I am a Volleyball Canada Representative at two National Championships this year. The first one is at Carleton University in Ottawa on May 5-8th for the 14U athletes.    The second one is the Edmonton 15U - 18U at the Edmonton Expo Centre from May 18-24. It's exciting news because it means the planning is underway, and we will have a nationwide championship. So Club players practise hard, and I hope to see you at the National Championship in Edmonton. Yahoo, we are back to playing volleyball.

Upcoming Sessions

The weeks are passing quickly, lots of private lessons and planning to start the jump training again and bigger group sessions.

Most private lessons are sold out, but three one-hour ones are left.
There is a 12-hour mini-camp during the February Break, it is three-quarters full, and I am excited to offer a session with more than four athletes.

More information about the jump training sessions will be announced soon.

More Information

Friday, January 28, 2022

The February Break Camp


February Break Camp

Limited space, register early.

This will be a skill training session for 12 hours of training.
Athletes will be required to wear masks during the sessions unless we are informed otherwise by the regulations.
This mini-camp is designed for the new players in volleyball. The skill training camp will offer three courts. The first court is for the new athletes to the sport and has played no club volleyball or one year of club volleyball. The second court will be for the athletes who have played 2 years of club volleyball and the last court will be for the more advanced players who have played 3+ years of club volleyball.

Court one - new athletes to volleyball, have played one year of club volleyball and are elementary school-age athletes
Court two - athletes who have played 2 years of club and are grade 9-10 athletes and played junior volleyball at the high schools.
Court three - athletes who have played 3+ years of club and are grade 11-12 athletes and played senior volleyball at the high schools
Monday, February 21, 1-3 pm skill training 3-4 pm gameplay
Tuesday, February 22, 1-3 pm skill training 3-4 pm gameplay
Wednesday, February 23, 1-3 pm skill training 3-4 pm gameplay
Thursday, February 24, 1-3 pm skill training 3-4 pm gameplay
The last hour of each day will be used to play games. (Gameplay will be similar to the Making the Cut format of games.)
We will only accept 15 athletes into each court.


Limited space, register early.

Out of the 25+ private lesson dates and times we have booked, only 4 are left.  So if you are considering a private lesson or team private lesson book them now.
If you are thinking of a team private lesson contact us via email and we will try  to set up a time that works for everyone.

Thank you all for your patience and support during the closure of the IceBox and the challenges of COVID.  Your support for the academy is appreciated.

Tuesday, January 25, 2022

Private lessons and Team Private lessons.


Private lessons and Team Private lessons.

Private Lessons

The February Private lesson time slots have almost sold out. There is only one left, so do not wait too long if you are thinking about getting a group of four athletes and attending a private lesson. We have gotten a few more gym times at Father Robinson School and will continue to offer private lessons in March.

Team Private Lessons

I have been lucky enough to work with two teams so far, and I like having the opportunity to meet the teams and work on various skills.  
I will be standardizing the cost of the team private lessons to the same price as the other private lessons. If I can make it, I will attend for two hours for the same price.

The private lesson for up to four athletes will be the exact cost of the private lesson for a whole team. The charge will be 149 dollars per hour. But because the team private lesson is on during their practice times and I do not have to try to find gym time, I will stick around for free for the second hour of practice.

Learn more about Private

Private Lessons Rules

Please always make sure that a parent, guardian or another family member, or team member is in attendance during a private lesson.  As a Coach, I always like a rule of at least two so I am not in the gym with an athlete by myself.  

Sunday, January 16, 2022

The state of the Academy


The state of the Academy

We are slowly opening up.

I hope that you and yours are safe and able to navigate your way through the confusion of the Omicron COVID variant. The Academy has been trying to figure out the best way to move forward in these times. Our current solution offers nothing but team training and private lesson training. Physical activity is significant for the physical and mental health of the youth, and we would like to be able to offer something at the Academy without spreading the variant.

Club team training -During their practice time!

Team training works as I can come to club teams and run sessions during their practice. It works well for both groups as they have gym time, and when I am not running month-long sessions, I have the time.   The cost for this activity is 15 dollars an hour per athlete for the session, and the team coach decides the skills to cover. I like this solution as it keeps the bubble small for the athletes as they are already a group that is working together. I am the only new member. The typical sessions I was running were 12-15 athletes from different teams, which is not a good practice with Omicron.  The team practice sessions are great because they can be cheap than the normal sessions as the academy does not have to pay for the gym time.

Email me to set up one of these sessions.

Email Us

Private Lessons -Work in a small group of four athletes

The Private lessons are suitable as well as the athletes decide who they would like to train with and the group only includes four athletes maximum. The athletes get to choose the topic and coach. I have only recently secured some gym times for the private lessons, and they are on the registration page. Most of them are sold out, and I will add new times as I get the gym times. The cost for the lesson is 149 dollars per hour for one to four athletes.


Tuesday, January 4, 2022

Plans for 2022


Plans for 2022

Welcome to 2022

I hope you have all had a restful and rejuvenating break at the end of 2021.  The last year was a challenge, and the Academy is looking forward to a better 2022.  The only sessions we will be offering in the new year until further notice is the Private Lessons.  We will book a location for the session after preregistration.  The Private lesson is 149.00 dollars per hour, and up to four athletes can attend.  Currently, Darren Cannell will be the only coach available to offer sessions.  

When the academy opens with other sessions a notice will be sent out.  Stay safe and hope to see you on the court soon.