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Thursday, March 26, 2020

Tips and Hints Activity

During this time when all coaches, parents, and players are in social isolation, the Canadian Elite Academy has a couple of virtual ideas to allow us to continue to build the community.  The Academy is thinking about putting together a set of 30-second volleyball hints which we could share within the CEA community, Facebook, Youtube, and other online communities as the world of volleyball enthusiasts is craving something, anything about volleyball.  The Canadian Elite Academy participants can help provide this something.
  • Coaches and Players can participate
  • Use a cell phone camera to create a 30-second hint or tips.
  • Hints can be about something we have found works for a volleyball skill development.  ie.  If you are going to miss a serve miss it long not short.  Long someone might be silly enough to touch it.
  • Tips can be something we have found helps us play.  Ie. Wearing knee pads protect my knees by warming them up and creating protection if I should happen to hit them on something.
  • Send it to the Academy and we will post it on a community page for everyone to view.  
  • Share motivational thoughts or ideas
  • Make a video to thank a coach you have had in the past.
  • Coaches talk about an inspirational player you might have coached
  • Let us all build a volleyball free repository during this time of isolation.
Share a tip, hint or motivation

The 30 day Home Workout

With Age Class Nationals being canceled all the age class volleyball players are disappointed but are seeking a way to prepare for the day that they can get back into the gym and play our game.  What I have done is seek the best the volleyball online world has to offer about working out at home.  The 30-day course is a collection of 30 different people and organizations' suggestions on what an athlete could do at home with no equipment to improve their volleyball game.  The cost for the course is a five dollars fee per participant and will cover the cost of putting the information and videos into a learning platform to help volleyball players of any age continue to work on their game.  The access to the material will never end and can be used for the rest of the participant's volleyball career on off-days and off-seasons to maintain their skills, jump, and fitness.  The one concern with this offering is the lack of supervision and that all exercises are not suitable or appropriate for everyone.  Keeping this in mind the Canadian Elite Academy disclaims any liability from injury from the use of these internet resources to assist in the participant's personal fitness plan.  The only safe way to set up a personal plan is to consult a professional healthcare provider before attempting any exercise or exercise program  The resource is meant to offer a variety of exercises focusing on volleyball skills, jump and fitness level.
The Volleyball Home Workout Registration

Online Volleyball Serving Course

The first learning opportunity is an Online course using a platform called Udmey.  It was the opportunity I offered before in a previous newsletter, the course was not open as it was being reviewed.  That process is finished and has now been open and the following information will allow the course for free to the Canadian Elite Academy participants.  The course is on the Volleyball Standing serve and even if you are a good server, coach or past player I would love to hear your opinion of the course.  To register for free use this link.

The code is 42C4928484FA8EC5AEF5 if you would like to share it with another Canadian Elite Academy participant.

The code will only work if you register before March 28, 2020, 4:43 PM PDT

CEA Virtual Locker Room

We have started our transition from Face to Face to Virtual.

We have completed two different online learning opportunities.  As we are new to the virtual offerings we would like our Canadian Elite Academy past participants to be given the opportunities for free and as cheap as possible.   The target audience is worldwide as it is as easy to offer the current opportunities to a person on the other side of the world as it is to a person next door.   Keeping this in mind we would like to have the Canadian Elite Academy suggest, comment and help to make our offerings better.  Online opportunities are never complete and continue to get better the more people who have an opportunity to participate and help by reviewing.

Canadian Elite Academy - Virtual Locker Room Volleyball Basic Serving Course

CEA Virtual Locker Room Volleyball 30 Day Home Work-out

The third course I am looking at Volleyball Elite Academy off-season daily work out.  Each day using Google classroom the interest participants will be able to access a virtual person workout created by me by pulling together exercises from awesome coaches all around the world.  The exercises will work on players' motivation, movement, skill training, strength and jump training drills.  These sessions will cost the participants 2 dollars a day and participants will be required to register for 30 days at a time.  The 30-day registration will allow the athlete to spread the daily exercises over 60 days if they only want to work out every second day.  This too will be announced and available by the end of the week.  You can pre-register for this course on the Canadian Elite Academy website.  The first 60 days cycle will begin when it is completed and ready to go.  The workout schedule will start on a certain day and will end 60 days after the start.  The price will not change so if you want the full 60 days register early.  The second cycle will start 30 days after the first cycle’s start date.  I know this sounds confusing but in the virtual world select release is always a workaround to make a program possible.
The internet is full of work out ideas for all different sports and the Canadian Elite Academy has sorted through the volleyball online solo training videos and has selected the best exercise drills available and compiled them into an online learning management system (google classroom). Darren Cannell is a Google certified instructor as well as a Microsoft innovative hero of education who will apply his experience and education to attempt to build a system which will virtually build a community of people and motivate them virtually to continue to work on their volleyball skills during the off-season and during times of isolation. These daily workouts should not be done on practice or game days, hence the reason why a 30-day session is spread out over the 60 days allowing the participants to decide when is the best day for them to work out. This being an information session without direct supervision from the Canadian Elite Academy staff means that the responsibility for participants to be able to work safely and successfully take their skills to the next level is theirs alone. The Canadian Elite Academy is offering the exercises but the participants must decide which is the best way for them to be safe but still motivate themselves.

The Virtual Locker Room Announces the Volleyball Serving Course

The Virtual Locker Room announced the Volleyball Serving course in the last newsletter, I was very excited but found out no one can register until it has been reviewed.  It still has not been reviewed but when it has we will attempt to offer it free for the Canadian Elite Academy past participants.  I am trying to be patient and will let you know when it is available for registration.
Below is the advertisement video for the course