Sunday, September 22, 2019

Day Four Session Two Reflection

At the Making the Cut Camp at the end of August 2019 we asked the players to reflect upon some statements.
Below is the statement.
Knowing how to lose is more important than winning.
Players were asked to give the statement a number.  If you totally agree with the statement give it a 10, if you totally disagree give it a 1.  In simple language give the statement a number.
Overall average 8.2/10 There were 62 responses.
Because if you lose and you are a poor sport then other teams might think that you are a mean team
You can’t be a sore loser because it is being a poor sport
You should know how to lose because good teams that don’t know how to take a loss will not be a good team even though winning is good.
Yes, so next time you win you will know how the other teammates feel. 
Without losing and learning from it you will never be pressured enough to get better.
Learning from your mistakes helps you to not repeat it again.
Winning is fun but losing builds character and how a team comes back after a lose proves how much they wanted.
It is important how to lose and work harder for next time, but you should be able to make improvements that allow you to win.
Knowing how to lose is important because then one loses in a game doesn’t throw a full tournament.  It helps you keep your composure
So that you can enjoy winning.
Knowing how to lose will only make the player try harder and put in more effort to win which will ultimately make a better player.
 You need to know what to do when you lose since teams that always win and never learn to lose take the loss harder and take longer to recover
So you know how to be a sore loser.
When we lose we have to do it with grace.  Anyone can win and celebrate.  But we all should lose with grace because no one likes a bad loser.
If you always win you will be a poor sport if you know what it is like to lose you are a good sport.
 I think an 8 because you should know how to lose graciously and not get down on yourself.
You need to know how to lose and win and how to handle it when you lose you have to use it as fire for the next time.
You learn from losing when people lose they learn what they did wrong so for the next game/practice you can see what to fix.
You should always try to win but losing should encourage you to work harder and win next time.
Knowing how to lose is so important.  You cannot always win everything and you will never learn how to love if you win every game.  Winning every game isn’t that fun.  You need to learn to lose once and a while.
 Because it is harder to deal with a hard lose than a great win so you need to learn how to deal with it.
When you lose it teaches you what you need to work on for example if you lost because a team was scrappy or kept tipping on you, you can go to practice and work on those things.  But when win you feel like you have nothing to work on.
Winning is important but if you are always scared of losing then you won’t play as good and if you do lose you have to be a good sport.
Winning is just a bonus.  If the team tries their hardest and plays their hearts out, then who cares if you lose.  Don’t be a poor sport because nobody likes that. 
Everyone loses sometimes
If you win all the time and suddenly lose you as an individual and teams poor sportsmanship looks bad to other coaches and the club.  Winning you can’t be over the top (arrogant)
Winning is always the favorable outcome but losses will come they should not affect you.
It is important to know how to lose so you can fix it and it is important to know how to take a loss well.
Be a good sport
It is important to know how to learn from your mistakes.  You also need to be a good winner or a good loser.
If you can learn from a loss
Because you build off of losing more than winning
It is good to lose because all your mistakes are teaching you how to win and how to fix it.
 That is how you learn in volleyball
Losing makes you better it builds character and you can learn from your mistakes.
 I agree that losing is an important learning experience but it is always best to win.
 After losing and making mistakes you can learn how to come back and redeem yourself.
I think knowing how to winning and loose properly are both equally important.
Because no one likes a sore loser.
You need to know how to lose so it makes you better next time.
Fair share.
Everyone knows how to lose but it is about losing and thinking about what you can improve.
You win or you learn in every game that you play.
Learning from your mistakes also known as losing is important because that is how you become better by winning sometimes you don’t adopt the mentality of how can I be better.
When you lose you learn more and work harder so you can win the next time if you will all the time you get too confident and expect to win and don’t prepare yourself properly.
I think that knowing how to take a loss is very important loosing doesn’t always mean you played bad.
 Knowing how to take a loss is important because when you lose you need to take it responsibility and maturely not crying and sad.
Because then you learn self-respect
You because then you won’t have enough drive and urgency to want to win.
Then you can understand how to learn from your mistakes and move on.
 I agree that everyone needs to know how to lose and is a good learning experience but winning is always better.
 If you know how to lose you know how to win as well as being a good sport makes you a better person.
 Losing is a great learning experience but winning gives confidence
 You have to know-how to lose in order to win.
 Half and a half I agree every team has to lose to feel how good it is to win.
 You learn more from a loss than a win.
 Yes because of it teaches you your mistakes to do better the next game
You learn more from a loss than from a win
Losing teaches you winning doesn’t
 So that you can learn from our mistakes and also be a good loser.
Because having a team that doesn’t know how to lose will bring everything down and maybe start drama

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