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Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Day Two Session Two Reflection

Day Two Session Two Reflection
At the Making the Cut Camp at the end of August 2019 we asked the players to reflect upon some statements.
Below is the statement.
A coach should coach, a player should play.  Trust in a coach determines team success.
Players were asked to give the statement a number.  If you totally agree with the statement give it a 10, if you totally disagree give it a 1.  In simple language give the statement a number.
Overall average 8.98/10 There were 78 responses.
Because if a player is coaching they don’t work as good with their team.
You should trust your coach and know they know what is best.  Players can give feedback to the coach if they notice something on the court.
A coach most of the time cannot determine team success.  That depends on the players and how hard they decide to work.  A coach cannot force them to play only the players can do that.
The coach should technically have more skill and experience to provide his or her players the player are young and immature
 I think a 10 because the coach is doing what is best for the team so you should trust what they say.
The coach teaches you how to be a player and get better at playing.
Just because that’s how teams should work, the coach should always be trusted because they have the best or most knowledge.
Always trust in the coach because they provide their experience of when they played.
Players should listen to their coach but the environment needs to be open for questions, suggestions, and tips to other players.
If a coach trusts his players they may be more confident.
You need to trust your coach knows what he/she is telling you and that they are telling you that so you can get better not to make you feel bad.
The coach coaches the team because they understand the game so they know what they are talking about.
Your coach knows what he’s talking about.  Trust him or her.
You should always listen to your coach even if you disagree because their purpose is to observe the team and make you all better.
If you don’t trust your coach the team will fall apart because some people will to what they were told and others not so you need to trust your coach that they know a what they are doing.
You have to trust your coach because they know what they are doing.
As a player you have to trust in you coach and the coach should be thinking of what best for the team.
They both have their own jobs and responsibilities.  The coach knows what they are doing and you should trust them to the best as possible.
If the team has a bond they will learn to work together and closer,  Unless the coach swears at you and brings your powers down.
A coach knows his team goals and wants the best for everyone.
Because if you don’t trust in your coach and you do the exercises bad that they give you you will not help your team.
Because coaches teach you the skills and you are responsible for your play actions
Players shouldn’t try to coach one another just as players should be supportive and listen to the coach.  By trusting the coach the team is more likely to succeed.
Sometimes players need to step up and lead themselves as well.
A team has to be united and a coach does that.  If everyone does their own thing it would be chaos, which would not lead to many wins so you have to trust the coach.
If you don’t trust a coach you won’t learn anything.  Trusting a coach is a big part of being successful.  A coach should coach and a player should listen and learn.
As long as you have a coach who doesn’t discourage you.
A coach sees the game and has more experience though a coach isn’t always right.
The coach makes all the decisions which the athletes have to respect and follow what he says.  He will make the best for the team.
A player should be able to trust the coach and a coach should be able to trust their players.  But some coaches conduct themselves in a way that indicates they don’t care about the wellness of their players and only care about success.
Don’t understand that much about the reason why I picked 5 is that the setter is usually the leader.
Trust is important with coaches because they trust the players and ever your team.
Because they are a coach for a reason.
It depends what coach you have because sometimes coaches give you the wrong advice and you end up in a bad position or something.
I think a coach is a coach and he/she knows what they are doing so we should let them explain and try new things.
Because the coach almost always knows better than the players or at least in the sport.
Because they are there and coaches for a reason.
A coach knows what they are doing that’s why they are coaches.
We all have jobs on our teams and if we all fulfill them the team will be successful.
Your coach is somebody you should trust.
I do agree with the first two statements however the last one has concerned me sometimes because in tournaments they have made some good choices and some really bad ones.
Coaches have more experience and if you trust them they will help you get better.
I don’t think there is anything wrong with helping out your team but leave the coaching to the coach.
Players can give small pointers to each other but a coach should have the final say in how their players play.
A Player and teams success does not totally depend on a coach but a good coach can help a team a lot.
A coach is there for a reason there is the odd time where you have to hear it from a player.
I agree but sometimes players need to hear things from other players.
Because players should have a say too in what they do
It is very important to trust your coach because they are teaching you what to do and how to do it right.
They know better because of their experience and other perspectives.
Coaches have more experience than players I believe you should trust your coaches and listen to them.
Trust your coach.
Let the coach do the work.  Coaches train and have the experience they rarely mess up.
Yes, because the coach teaches what they are doing.
Trusting a coach is so important the coach knows how to help you best.
Players should not coach teammates Good coaches make good players.
Coaches have more knowledge and experience.  It can never hurt to try and you never know what might work.
I agree with this statement. But sometimes if you get a player to tell you what you  are doing wrong you understand more.
You should trust your coach and what they are teaching you.
But as a player, I think we should be able to take tips from each other.
It is not your job as a player to tell your teammates what they are doing wrong you pump them up.
A coach puts in their time and effort and deserves the reward of coaching players and seeing them improve.  You might not agree with everything but the coach is trying their best to make you a better player.
The coach definitely has the most knowledge and should ultimately be who you trust in and who teaches the most.  It is okay if teammates give a little bit of advice.
Because if the players don’t trust the coach then the team falls apart because trust is a big part of being on a team.
Because a coach is there for a reason if we don’t need one we wouldn’t have one.
Yes because the coach has more experience
Yes, I agree because your coach is the leader.
Everyone should be trusted in the team it is not just the coach.
Because the coach is the coach for a reason.  They have years of training and have been doing it for a while.  They know what they are doing.
A player should not coach other players because that is the coaches job and players should only be encouraging
The coach has a clear idea for what the team should be and you should trust that the coach has a plan.
If a coach asks for help then you can help or if they are completely wrong but besides that no.
When there is no doubt about how to play, there are fewer errors.
If you listen to your coach they’ll teach you the game and the coach often knows what they  are doing.
A coach should coach and a player should play but also a player shouldn’t be brain dead.

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