Thursday, February 27, 2020

The Most Popular Camp is on Sale

The Most Popular Camp is on Sale

The school year is starting and then the tryouts for the Senior teams begin. What will make you into the athlete that every coach wants on their team? Do you have the skills? Do you have the drive? Are you aware of what it takes to make the cut? This four-day cycle will give athletes what they need to make their school team.

Sessions will happen from 10-12pm, 2-4pm and 6-8pm each of the four days.

A total of 12 sessions

Elementary and Junior High School 
August 17- August 20

Senior High School Team

August 24-August 27 2020

Being a short volleyball player complex.

No wonder I thought I was short, look at the size of the Trolls I played with back in the day. My son asked about images of me playing volleyball and I have so few, these were ones someone else posted. Look how short my wife is beside me. The Master's National team images, I was again always the shortest. Ok no more images, I am giving myself a complex.

Why Private Sessions

Private Sessions
These are becoming very popular at the Academy.  Pre-scheduled sessions are already on the calendar and tend to sell out very quickly, but the academy will try to find a time in the gym and with a coach which suits the participant's busy schedule if possible. The reason why these sessions are so popular is…
  • ·         Quality of our Coaches
  • ·         1-4 participants same price
  • ·         Participants pick the topic
  • ·         Coaches are assigned based on skills requested
  • ·         The participant can request a certain coach
  • ·         The awesome ratio of coach to athlete
  • ·         The academy tries it’s best to accommodate participant's requests of time, location and coach.
  • ·         The whole team's private lessons are also a thing and normally occur during team practice times and locations.

Want to know more

Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Introducing Donnie Davidsen to the Basketball Elite Academy

We at the Canadian Elite Academy are very excited to introduce a new coach to our Basketball Elite Academy. Donnie Davidsen a talented coach of many sports has offered to do some sessions at the academy.

His bio shows why he will be a great addition to our group of coaches.

I love sports. I have competed in many areas over the years and coached even more. Football, Basketball, Baseball, Wrestling, Track and Field, among others. BS. Ed. - Major in Physical Education and Minor in coaching Activities

Over the last 30 years I have coached at various armature levels in many different activities:

Saskatoon Hilltops Football Club - (2004 - Present)
BJM High School - Football, Basketball, Badminton - (2015 - Present)
Saskatoon Admirals (boys) and Saskatoon Sparks (girls) Spring Basketball Clubs - (2016 - 2019)
Saskatoon A’s Zone AA -AAA Baseball - (2007 - 2016)
Bethlehem High School - Football, Badminton - (2008 2015)
EDF High School - Football, Basketball , Badminton - (2000 - 2007)
STJ High School - Football, Basketball, Wrestling - (1995 - 2000)
Vanier Collegiate - Football - (1994)
Crane Valley - Volleyball, Badminton, Track & Field - (1992 - 1995)
Assiniboia High School - Football - (1992)
Minot State University ND - Grad assistant Football (1991)
Also many teams in the SMBA and SMF throughout the years.
I have learned much through these coaching opportunities and look forward to more coaching experiences as they come along.

Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Athnet - Get recruited

You want to play college sports? Athnet Sports Recruiting is full of free resources for athletes and families to help you learn how to get recruited and find an athletic scholarship. Whether you are just getting started and need to begin contacting college coaches or want to make sure you meet all of the eligibility requirements before you head out on your official visit, we can answer every question.

Monday, February 24, 2020

Red Tag Sale

The following sessions are part of this week's red tag sale.  The red tag sales mean you get to bring two participants for the price of one.
  • Everything in Four Hours Volleyball Session
  • Youth Controlled Game Volleyball Session
  • Artist Elite Academy session
  • Basketball Layup Session
  • Basketball Pickup Game

Private Lessons

If you have any thoughts about a private session register early as they seem to all fill.  If the time and date of the pre-scheduled private sessions on the calendar do not fit your schedule pick a day that works and I will try to find a gym time that works for the coach and the athlete.

Basketball Elite Academy

Brad Schoenfeld is offering a one-hour session on Friday, February 28, 8:30-9:30 followed by a two hour flexible, fun, music-filled gameplay session for any age and skill level.

Drawing on the Tablet

Our Artist Elite Academy will be hosting the second session of drawing on the tablet, if you have a phone or Ipad then you have what is needed for this session on Thursday, February 27 from 7-10 pm.  Drawing sessions are for artists of any age or skill level.  This week we are drawing a cat.

Youth Elite Academy

The Youth Elite Academy on February 26, 6-7 pm has Terry Graham teaching via a controlled game.  This is an excellent way to learn the game of volleyball.

A few Quick necessary Changes

The changes.

This special email notice is to let participants know that due to some recent emails we have decided to allow people to register for only one of the two days of the “Everything in Four Hours” volleyball session on Tuesday and Wednesday of this week.  It is evident that many athletes are involved in the Wednesday night volleyball league in Martinsville making it difficult for them to attend both of the sessions, so we decided to make it possible to only attend one.

The coaches for Tuesday, February 25, 2020, from 8-10 pm are two excellent coaches, Bill Beaudry as head coach

and Jenna Stevenson as an assistant coach.

On Wednesday, February 26  from 7-9, Darren Cannell will be the head coach.  We look forward to seeing you on the court.

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

The Volleyball/Basketball drill which is really a Football Drill

Have you ever done one of these drills? I originally learned this drill at Ontario Madawaska Volleyball camp in 1980, brought it to Saskatchewan (it was called the Alabama Breakdown...changed its name to the Cannell Breakdown and then I bring in a Hilltop(football)/Basketball coach to run a Basketball Defense session and look what he is running 40 years later.

Monday, February 10, 2020

The Digital Art Gallery

Artist A. Serheyko

This was drawn on an Ipad with an Apple pencil.  I loved the flower in this artist's image.  

Artist: E. Gazmen

This was drawn on a phone with his finger, I really liked the background and how it contrasted with the birds.  Good Use of color

Artist: Darren Cannell
I so enjoyed teaching the last session we had three artists working with me and K. Renz has not forwarded her finished artwork as she is gone in for knee surgery and we wish her quick recovery.  The next Drawing session in the Artist Elite Academy is on February 27 from 7-10.  It is open to all ages and you need an Ipad or phone, a stylus is useful but not required.
Come draw with us

Youth Elite Academy

If you know anyone who would benefit from learning Volleyball Skills from the Canadian Elite Academy and build your volleyball on a solid foundation of basic skills.  Get the skills right at the beginning rather than fixing them after you build a set of bad habits.

Sunday, February 9, 2020

Multi-sport athletes

Volleyball players should start attending Basketball sessions and Vise versa.  When I have an athlete who shows up to both I know they will go far in whatever sport they decide to focus upon.  This is what I have found from multisport athletes in the academy
  • Soccer players…fast feet easy to teach defense, team play
  • Dancers…great body control, understand how to apply simple instructions like arch your back more
  • Gymnastics…know muscle memory and will work to make it happen,  strong and jump well, good at controlling their body in the air.
  • Baseball players…good eye-hand coordination, good arm swing for spiking and serving.
  • Tennis and Badminton players, great serving and spiking  technique, great serve reception movement
  • Basketball players …good fitness and jumping skills and distance perception
  • Video Gamers…good at strategy, fine motor skills, focus, concentration, and goal achievement.
  • Poker…postive mental attitude, emotional control, concentration, and focus
Good athletes (Elite Athletes) in any sport can transfer their mental sports ability to any sport to make them a fierce competitor based on their ability to make others around them better, their focus, competitive positive attitude and their ability to focus on skill development.  These are all skills we want to foster in our Canadian Elite Academy participants.

When Volleyball Players Play Basketball

Social Media Marketing

The  Academy has begun the Social Media campaign and the first major step in this new venture was to establish the “Google My Business” page and one fo the steps was to ask for reviews.   These reviews greatly up the search level in google of the academy.  If you want to help the academy a brief review and rating would be a great step forward for us. (as I shamelessly ask for support)  You can do that by clicking the image or link below.

Share the Information Below

We are in search of Sports and Art participants for the Canadian Elite Academy.  The sports academy train elementary and high school participants in Volleyball and Basketball skills while the Art academy trains any age participants in digital artwork.  To find out more about the academy go to:
Email us:
Academy Links:
Phone: 306-361-5206

This week ahead

The sessions for the next week.
  • Monday, February 10, 2020, 9-10 pm
    • Private Lesson   (Sold Out)
  • Tuesday, February 11, 2020, 6-7 pm
    • Youth Games, Drills and Controlled Play
  • Wednesday, February 12, 2020, 6-7 pm
    • Volleyball Serving
  • Wednesday, February 12, 2020, 7-9 pm
    • Basketball Advanced Shooting
Register Now

Most Common question

The Most Common Question

The most common question I get these days is how are the new academies doing.  So here is the update:
The Youth Volleyball Academy
  • Terry Graham is our head coach for this academy and he is doing a great job, his energy, humor and coaching approach is making the sessions well received and will make the academy a success.
  • It is slightly undersubscribed and we continue to seek new athletes.
  • The small numbers in the session make them very valuable and the athletes are learning a lot.
  • We are seeking elementary school athletes interested in developing their volleyball skills
The Artist Volleyball Academy
  • We have had one session so far and I again found the enjoyments I had when I taught high school art for nine years.  My wife asked me if I am running the Artist Elite Academy more for myself than for the participants, the jury is still out on this question.
  • The three artists that joined me in the first session created some excellent hummingbird and flower artwork and I look forward to reaching our maximum number of 10 artists per session in future sessions.
  • As these sessions are for all ages and I am excited to welcome some adults as well as a young artist to create a vibrant community that will create awesome digital artworks together.  If you are looking for three hours of stress relief from your adult life, think about attending one of these sessions, art skills not required.
  • Look for future posts of the artworks that were created in this new academy.
The Basketball Academy
  • The last basketball session was nearly full,  we are getting very close to the 10-1 ratio of athletes to coach.
  • The numbers continue to grow because of the caliber of coaches who are working with the academy.    Brad Schoenfeld, Donna-Marie Frassetto and Donnie Davidson have all offered sessions which have left me in awe of their coaching talent and have been huge learning opportunities for the participants.
  • The number of participants continues to grow in each session as the reputation of coaching excellence is being shared in the Basketball community.
  • Share the news, participant’s experience with the Basketball communities in Saskatoon.
The Volleyball Academy
  • Continues to be strong and sessions are close to filling even during the club season.
  • We have a great group of volleyball coaches and as my focus has been moved to the promotion of the new academies they have picked up the slack and for this I am grateful.
  • The private sessions are filling and I am truly enjoying watching the participants from these private sessions and the academy sessions using their skills on their club teams.
  • We have obtained new gym time at the Ecole Canadienne- Francaise School and have been able to increase the number of volleyball sessions hopefully allowing us to continue to offer the same level of volleyball skills training we have done in the past
  • Thank you for all the support that the guardians and participants have shown and continue to show to the Canadian Elite Academy as we grow.  (Continue to share the experiences to others about Academy as we attempt to continue our approach to taking participants skills to the next level)

Exciting Changes for January, February, and March 2025

  First newsletter for 2025 Exciting Changes for January, February, and March The Canadian Elite Academy is starting 2025 with a refreshed a...