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The only sessions we will be offering will be Private Lessons.
Private lessons are more expensive than the regular session, school day academy or camps. They are offered one hour with the coach that the athletes would most like to work with.
The cost for the private lesson will allow up to four athletes to attend for the same price. The athlete(s) choose a time from the available times listed below, inform the Academy who they would like as a coach and choose the skill they would like to work on. This flexibility takes some time to accommodate, so the earlier someone decides on the private lesson, the more likely it will happen.
There are limited gym times, limited available coaches and the shutdown during May is to limit the amount of contact for the coaches and athletes at the Academy. With the Variants of Concern viruses making younger people sick is of concern, we will be limiting the amount of private lessons we will conduct.
The following gym times are available for private lessons at the Ice Box Training Center. Jump Training can be done almost any time as multiple areas can be used.
Currently, the following court time is available; this can change rapidly
The following events are happening:
In May, we will be open to running private lessons for the athletes who would like to continue to train in that month. These private sessions will not be placed upon the calendar and are requested via email by the athlete. These private lessons can have four athletes in them for the same price, and we should be able to find time in the IceBox Facility if we are given a little advanced notice to schedule time.
If the weather is nice in May, we will attempt to schedule some free beach sessions. An announcement of the dates and times of these sessions will occur a few days before they happen. The number of participants will be kept within the guidelines by having people register before they show up to play in the sand.
The good news is with the nice weather we can start looking towards the outdoors and beach. We are lucky enough to have Leanne McGettigan willing to coach one of the groups that will delay its start date until July and run until August.
We are fortunate to have Leanne willing to do sessions as she is an experienced beach player. Darren Cannell will be the coach for most of the other sessions. There are two delay groups with a start date in July rather than in June and recently added to the calendar. All the other beach sessions will begin in June and run until August. The four sessions that run from June to August are all Sold out except for one. Darren Cannell is coaching all of the June to August Sessions.
In July we have a great camp called the Setter, Libero and Hitter Camp. Each athlete registered in one of the three positions and matched with the best coach we could find for the position. The last year when we ran this session, it sold out and was so much fun.
In August, we run the Making the Cut Camps. We offer:
These are very popular, so do not wait too long to register for these camps as I feel we will have school volleyball next year, and this is the preparation camp for the school tryouts.
In the end, the most important is a big thank you to all the participants who considered the academy for their volleyball training during the pandemic.
The Canadian Elite Academy, founded in March 2017, was designed to fill the holes in traditional coach and teaching of sports, academics, and the arts. The advantage is the dedication of time to individual skills instruction by the best available coaches or instructors. The skilled coaches attempt to achieve the goal to offer sessions that are individual in the instructional methods, which allow participants of all skill levels to train in the same group. The gender and age tiering system found in traditional sports and schooling in most academy sessions does not apply. As the sessions are not team building or competition focus, allowing a mixture of talents, gender participants to dedicate time to a single element or skill, enabling them to apply it to a future team, competition, test, or challenge.
Many of the athletes who attend the sessions are very physically talented, coordinated athletes who are naturally good at most tasks put before them. The school day academy and Jump training have created a situation never seen before. The athletes are just skill training, strength, agility, and jump training and not applying it to their volleyball games. It has allowed me as a coach the opportunity to push them past their comfort zone and watch them respond to the lack of gameplay. Typically as coaches, we train our athletes for the following games, but we are just preparing to get better skills over the last couple of months. The only competition is comparing their talent to the mastery of the other athletes in their group. Not comparing oneself to other athletes in groups with the opposite gender, older athletes, and physically taller and stronger athletes is a challenging concept for young participants. Each athlete responds to this differently.
Some athletes have problems accepting this lack of gender, age tiering which is present in the traditional game competition. Many respond with a lack of focus and drive to get better when they do not have games to measure their success. As I coach, I can see the growth, but as young athletes, they do not have the benchmarks to compare themselves against without games.
Athletes feel they cannot compete against others and cover their lack of confidence or success in skills by altering the activity to make it easier for themselves, talking or using humor or playfulness to hide their inability to achieve the objective. This response is not abnormal or strange. We all do not want to look like we cannot do something. Understanding where the origin of the behavior and developing in the athletes a mature approach to competing against themselves, motivate themselves and strive to be better each day.
My son and many other athletes respond the same. It is a coping mechanism to cover their inability to achieve a task and not be the best. Like many of the athletes, my son's natural athletic ability allows him to be very good at most sports almost immediately. Until recently, he did not have to put in a lot of effort to be seen as an outstanding athlete. Now he is considering playing at the next level (University) and has matured to the point where he is putting in the necessary effort to achieve this goal. It has come with maturity and age, but it was not always there. It is a significant part of the Elite training. Many academy athletes have the natural talent to be good athletes in almost any sport they choose to tackle, but they have to accept the challenge that some skills take time to master.
Athletes placed in a group of older, more talented volleyball players or opposite gender become embarrassed and don't feel they belong working with the group. An athlete loses focus and covers their lack of success with talking, not following instructions, not working to attempting to change their approach to the skill, joking, and behavior that was not in line with the activity.
A natural and normal reaction to being the only person in a group who could not achieve a task is not to like the activity; it was stupid, it was someone else's fault for the failure, excuses, and a hard-to-coach attitude. Last year the academy had 400+ participants, and the move to internal competition, motivation, and confidence is a big part of what we attempt to promote. Athletes need to learn to compete against themselves and no one else.
Working hard on the mental aspect of achieving the next level can only be done with the removal of coping mechanisms and excuses when faced with a lack of immediate success when attempting a new skill. Internal self-talk promotes embracing the challenge and mastering the task. Working on the things that do not come naturally to the participant; focusing, accepting mistakes put in the effort, and hard work, are all part of the growth.
Many academy participants have gained their self-image from their sports success and confidence by being better than most other athletes. When good athletes stop comparing themselves to others, stop attempting to please a coach, and work on being better today than yesterday and challenging themselves, significant athletic growth happens. They need to learn to push themselves, with no excuses or coping mechanisms to cover failing and believe the challenges are something they can do; they need time, effort, and hard work to master them; this will be when they enter the Elite athlete level.
I have been lucky enough to work with and coach, National caliber athletes. They all have the natural athletic ability, mental toughness, and the belief that they can achieve anything with effort. They accept mistakes, and learn from them and continually challenge themselves. They never accept defeat; never make excuses; never deflect; put their energy into mastering challenges. They do this for themselves, not for others, teammates, family, or coaches. This maturity takes time and a perfect storm of friends, peers, family, coaches, learning, challenges, self-talk, self-confidence, and opportunity.
The academy will continue to work with your daughters and sons to push them to accept the challenges, focus, and help them mature into athletes who strive to be better tomorrow than they are today. Academy athletes are great kids, good sense of humor, confident, and seek to please people around them. The academy will enhance these positive attitudes and challenges and help the athletes develop the sport's mental aspect to achieve their goals.
First newsletter for 2025 Exciting Changes for January, February, and March The Canadian Elite Academy is starting 2025 with a refreshed a...