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Sunday, October 16, 2022

Important information about the future of the Academy!


Important Information about the Academy!

The next phase of the Academy

The Canadian Elite Academy is entering a new phase.  Since 2017, the Canadian Elite Academy has been a corporation owned and run by myself (Dr. Darren Cannell).  In March 2022, I decided to change the corporation to a non-profit corporation.  The reason for restructuring the Academy is that my personal life has changed.  In June, my wife retired as an Assistant Principal for the Greater Saskatoon Catholic School system.
We will be doing a lot of travelling starting in November, which will hinder my ability to be the head coach for the Academy.
The change to a non-profit will allow us to create a board of directors coming together to help with decisions making, oversight, strategic planning and financial planning, creating the next stage of the Canadian Elite Academy. 
I will still be running the administration and day-to-day operation of coordinating sessions and coach placement from a distance as we travel.  I will miss the opportunity to coach sessions, but I will be back in the gym when we are back in the province.   As we travel, I will be coaching and visiting Academies in other countries to learn how they do things and bring the best practices back to our Canadian Elite Academy.

I invite anyone interested in being on the board for the Canadian Elite Academy and helping us build the next phase of our non-profit.  We seek parents of athletes, lawyers, coaches, people with experience in non-profit, bookkeepers, accountants, people with expertise in sports governance and anyone with a vision.  
All my Successful ventures in the past were done by surrounding myself with groups of talented people.  Since 2017, the Canadian Elite Academy has been built the same way.  I surrounded myself with the best coaches in the province, and we have created something ready to move into its next stage.  If you want to be part of the future growth of the Academy, drop me an email. 
Please take two minutes to complete the survey below to help us move into the next phase of the academy.
Short survey!

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