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Saturday, October 15, 2022

A session not to be missed


Don't miss these Sessions

Check out these exciting sessions.

We have all the NexGen sessions happening this week, as expected. It is so exciting to see the growth in these young athletes as they put in the time to develop the skill foundation.
We have started the build-up towards club volleyball, so we are getting into some skill sessions for all ages, gender and skill level, which will get them ready for their Club play.

Want to know more?

Blocking Sessions 

The first two sessions, which will be awesome and not one you want to miss, is the Basic and Advanced Blocking Session. The head coach for these sessions is J.P. Barker, who I was lucky enough to have as a beach partner for a period. He was a blocking madman who never let anyone hit and was so easy to play defence around. He has been an indoor coach in the high school system for years and was a University of Saskatchewan Player from 1982- 1985. He was a member of Canada's Junior National Team. If you want to learn to block, this is the guy you want to learn it from, as his sense of humour and knowledge of the game will make it a session I will attend so that I can learn from him.

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Open Serving Session

J.P. Barker and I will also be at the open serving session. This is a half-price session for two hours where athletes can just put in some time to work on their serving. Coaches will be around to lend assistance, but most of the time, the session will be just a chance to serve. Work on whatever serve you are trying to perfect. Put in the time..

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Private Lessons

The other opportunity this week is the Private lessons that have just been added. Private sessions allow one to four athletes the chance to attend for the same price for all. The main athlete chooses the topic and coach (if available). There have been many requests for me to set up Private lessons, and I have done so. Hope to see you on the court

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Open Gym GamePlay

The week will end with Open gym gameplay. Last week was full, and if this week ends up the same, we will look at maybe running two different times, so everyone gets a chance. This two-hour session is just an opportunity for all to gain some touches in a flexible non-structured chance to play. The level of the registered athletes determines the status of the game. Bring your friends if you want to set the level of play.

Want to know more?
All of these posters have the academy athletes in them.  If you would like to see more, go to the photo gallery at the academy.  If you know one of the players in these, send them an email letting them know they are famous.  Share the posters around, as the academy is built on word of mouth.  Thank you all for your interest in the academy.  It is so fun to be part of the athlete's development.
Want to see more photos
The academy also has a blog where we share volleyball hints and tips and our newsletters. Check it out some time.  If you are looking for some information on a volleyball topic let me know and maybe I will write a blog entry pertaining to the topic.
Check out our Blog

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