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Sunday, November 6, 2022

Second week in November


Second Week in November

Everything is selling out...Register Early

A Tip When Registering

When completing a session registration, ensure you add an email that you check, as it is how we inform athletes of changes in location, times and dates. We had a coach this week test positive for COVID, so it was necessary to let athletes know the day before that a session was to be cancelled. This approach worked fine for some of the athletes, but for others who did not check their email, a different way of contacting them might have worked. So, we went back to the registrations to use text messaging for emails, but some people did not enter a phone number. It was impossible to contact everyone, so we went old school and put a note on the gym door.   To summarize, ensure we have an active email and a phone number to contact you.  The Best Way to contact Darren Cannell when he is travelling is via email.  If you want to talk to him, leave a number via email, and he will call you.


One Spot Left

The Next Gen Setter Development - has space for one more participant, then it is sold out...the price has been adjusted since two sessions have already happened.


Sold Out Second Month

The NexGen Hitter Development -has sold out for the second month in a row.  You might want to register for December now! 


Basic Sold Out - Advanced Three Spots

The Basic November Serve Training is also sold out.

The Advanced November Serve Training has three spots left in it before it is sold out. It also has a revised price.


Four spots left

The NexGen Libero Development has room for four more participants, and the price has also been adjusted.


Two spots left

November Jump Training only has room for two more participants. The price has been changed.


Sold Out

The NexGen Fundamental Development is sold out as well.  Register for December's session now!


Skill Sessions This week

Basic and Advanced Defence Session is happening on November 8th from 7-8 pm (basic) and 8-9 pm (Advanced). 
November 10th, we have Kijima and other Defensive Drills from 7-9 pm.


It is going to be a busy week!

And that will round out the week. Sessions are filling. Don't miss out; we will see you on the court soon.

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