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Tuesday, February 28, 2023

March The Training Month!

March the Training Month.

Passing and Serving Session

We have some stimulating sessions happening this month. I want to draw your attention to the passing and serving session. It's an hour and a half and both of these skills are the foundation of the sport of volleyball. Underhand passing can never be practiced too often, and serving is the only time in volleyball where you have total control over what will happen next. Consider taking this session; no matter level of player, you should always strive to be better tomorrow than you are today.


Hitting Session

The hitting session is the second session you should consider. You can always be better at hitting. It's essential to build a solid foundation when you first start hitting, and once you have the foundation, it is imperative for you to learn to hit harder and smarter.


First Contact Session

The first contact session is exciting because it discusses all the different ways you can make that first contact. First contact can be blocking, digging, receiving a serve, free ball, down ball play and any other time in the game of volleyball where the ball has just crossed the net. 
You should consider doing either one of these sessions, the hitting or the first contact session, or both. Both of them will help you become a better volleyball player. 


Serving sessions

There are four servings sessions going on this month. There is the basic serving session, the advanced serving session, the open serving session and then the jump serving session. You can decide which level you would gain the most from and sign up for those sessions. It would help if you put in the time to improve your serving skills. 


Jump Training sessions

Jump training is a session in which every serious volleyball player or anyone participating in the sport should spend at least one month learning how to jump correctly and land properly. Your legs in the future will thank you. It will help you avoid knee and hip issues in the future.



Sunday Fundamental sessions

The Sunday Fundamental sessions are the most popular sessions we offer.  It is for new players to volleyball and is an hour-and-a-half session which covers most of the basic skills.   Register early as it tends to fill up.



Private sessions

Our private lessons are all sold out for March. If you want to book a private lesson, drop us an email and we'll do our best to find a gym time that will work.   As we get closer and closer to provincials and nationals private lessons become more popular.


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Setting sessions

The setting sessions are a session which any volleyball player would benefit from as it teaches athletes the fundamentals of being able to overhand pass and set. There will be some time during the game in which you will be required to set the ball overhand. This session teaches you how to do it properly so that the referee doesn't automatically blow the whistle. 


Next sessions

The next set of sessions for April and May will appear on our list and the next couple of weeks. So stay tuned for those. 

Starting in June, we will begin the summer sessions. There is a full slate of sessions. They will all be very excited, and most of them are outside. Many players have used beach two's training to prepare for the indoor school game. After playing outdoors with the wind, the sun and the sand, you will be faster, stronger and more agile. We will also do jump training all summer long, and it's an excellent opportunity to return to the school team with an increased jump and stronger. 
We also have a wide variety of camps. Some are for 11 to 13-year-olds, some are for older athletes, and some are for positional play. At the end of the summer, we have The Making the Cut Camps. These are our premier camps, and they do sell out. 

I look forward to seeing you indoors at Provials and Nationals. Thank you very much for your interest in the academy and for allowing us to be part of your volleyball growth.


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